A web-based JavaScript spreadsheet.
spreadsheet-js is forked from x-spreadsheet.
npm install ljavuras/spreadsheet-js
<div id="spreadsheet-js-demo"></div>
import Spreadsheet from "spreadsheet-js";
// If you need to override the default options, you can set the override
// const options = {};
// new Spreadsheet('#spreadsheet-js-demo', options);
const s = new Spreadsheet("#spreadsheet-js-demo")
.loadData({}) // load data
.change(data => {
// save data to db
// data validation
// default options
mode: 'edit', // edit | read
showToolbar: true,
showGrid: true,
showContextmenu: true,
view: {
height: () => document.documentElement.clientHeight,
width: () => document.documentElement.clientWidth,
row: {
len: 100,
height: 25,
col: {
len: 26,
width: 100,
indexWidth: 60,
minWidth: 60,
style: {
bgcolor: '#ffffff',
align: 'left',
valign: 'middle',
textwrap: false,
strike: false,
underline: false,
color: '#0a0a0a',
font: {
name: 'Helvetica',
size: 10,
bold: false,
italic: false,
const s = new Spreadsheet("#spreadsheet-js-demo")
// event of click on cell
s.on('cell-selected', (cell, ri, ci) => {});
s.on('cells-selected', (cell, { sri, sci, eri, eci }) => {});
// edited on cell
s.on('cell-edited', (text, ri, ci) => {});
const s = new Spreadsheet("#spreadsheet-js-demo")
// cellText(ri, ci, text, sheetIndex = 0)
s.cellText(5, 5, 'xxxx').cellText(6, 5, 'yyy').reRender();
const s = new Spreadsheet("#spreadsheet-js-demo")
// cell(ri, ci, sheetIndex = 0)
s.cell(ri, ci);
// cellStyle(ri, ci, sheetIndex = 0)
s.cellStyle(ri, ci);
// npm
import Spreadsheet from 'spreadsheet-js';
import zhCN from 'spreadsheet-js/dist/locale/zh-cn';
Spreadsheet.locale('zh-cn', zhCN);
new Spreadsheet(document.getElementById('xss-demo'));
git clone https://github.com/ljavuras/spreadsheet-js.git
cd spreadsheet-js
npm install
npm run dev
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:8080.