Releases: liyansong2018/ReverseWidget
Releases · liyansong2018/ReverseWidget
ReverseWidget 1.12
- Add the function of converting various data formats to each other
- Unify icon image style
- Upgrade the version of pyinstaller to streamline the program packaging process
- 添加各种数据格式的转换
- 优化主页面图标
- 更新pyinstaller的版本,使得打包后的程序文件夹更加简洁
- [编译平台] - Windows11 / macOS 14.4 / Ubuntu 20.04, Python3.8
ReverseWidget 1.11
- To correctly calculate the offset of the jump instruction, add the base address of the assembly code
- Add backup translation routes for Baidu Translation to prevent denial of service caused by API resource depletion
- Fix other unknown errors
- [Known issues] - Using VPN may cause application crash
- [zip release] - Faster but more files
- [protable release] - Slow startup but only one file
- [Compiler Platform] - Ubuntu 20.04/macOS10.15/Windows10, Python3.8
- [Note] - Support for macOS is experimental
- 为汇编窗口添加基地址,方便进行偏移地址计算
- 免费百度API翻译资源已被耗尽,使用三方库调用JS计算签名,模拟浏览器请求翻译,但是不是每次sign都生效,导致翻译速度较慢
- 修复多个未知问题
- [已知问题] - 使用VPN等代理进行翻译,可能会导致应用崩溃
- [已知问题] - 当前针对macOS的支持是实验性的,在苹果系统下,如果直接使用以下编译好的包,首次启动较慢。因此针对macOS建议直接使用源码方式运行
- [便携版] - 启动速度更快,但是包含多个文件
- [exe可执行程序] - 启动速度较慢,但是只有一个文件
- [编译平台] - Ubuntu 20.04/macOS10.15/Windows10, Python3.8
ReverseWidget 1.10
- Use QT native UI to increase ReverseWidget compatibility across different operating systems
- Add function to compress json text on format module
- Fix language translation issues
- Fix word concatenation issues caused by line breaks and support for multiple paragraph translations
- Fix other unknown errors
- [zip release] - Faster but more files
- [protable release] - Slow startup but only one file
- [Compiler Platform] - Ubuntu 20.04/macOS10.15/Windows10, Python3.8
- [Note] - Support for macOS is experimental
- 使用QT原生UI,减少组件style修改,适配多个操作系统
- 增强json文本的格式化兼容性,并且支持压缩json
- 修复语言翻译过程中由于换行和空格引起的单词拼接问题
- 修复多个未知问题
- 发布多个平台的可执行文件
- [便携版] - 启动速度更快,但是包含多个文件
- [exe可执行程序] - 启动速度较慢,但是只有一个文件
- [编译平台] - Ubuntu 20.04/macOS10.15/Windows10, Python3.8
- [备注] - 当前针对macOS的支持是实验性的,在苹果系统下,首次启动较慢
ReverseWidget 1.9
- Add code comment format module for deleting '#&//' in code comment or '\n'
- Add baidu-fanyi api to translate code comment or paper pdf
- Flat some window ui for more modern operating system such as Win11
- Singleton: only one child window is allowed at the same time
- Fix issue about incomplete translation because of singleton
- Fix unknown errors
- [zip release] - Faster but more files
- [protable release] - Slow startup but only one file
- [Compiler Platform] - Ubuntu 20.04/macOS10.15/Windows10, Python3.8
- [Note] - Support for macOS is experimental
- 新增格式化代码评论的功能,用于格式化C/Java/Python等其他编程语言的评论,包括论文PDF换行删除功能,方便直接翻译
- 扁平化多个UI界面,适配Win11风格
- 架构重大调整,多个子页面嵌入主界面,利用单例模式优化架构和中英文翻译
- 修复多个未知问题
- 发布多个平台的可执行文件
- [便携版] - 启动速度更快,但是包含多个文件
- [exe可执行程序] - 启动速度较慢,但是只有一个文件
- [编译平台] - Ubuntu 20.04/macOS10.15/Windows10, Python3.8
- [备注] - 当前针对macOS的支持是实验性的,在苹果系统下,首次启动较慢
ReverseWidget 1.8
- Add dll injector module for Windows
- Correct use of the open source software that has been patched
- Fix asm errors caused by Chinese key
- Fix unknown errors
- [zip release] - Faster but more files
- [protable release] - Slow startup but only one file
- [Compiler Platform] - Ubuntu 20.04/macOS10.15/Windows10, Python3.8
- [Note] - Support for macOS is experimental
- Windows平台新增DLL注入器
- 规范引用开源软件依赖,优化软件架构
- 修复因为中文导致的汇编/反汇编模块无法正常解析汇编指令的问题
- 修复若干错误
- 发布多个平台的可执行文件
- [便携版] - 启动速度更快,但是包含多个文件
- [exe可执行程序] - 启动速度较慢,但是只有一个文件
- [编译平台] - Ubuntu 20.04/macOS10.15/Windows10, Python3.8
- [备注] - 当前针对macOS的支持是实验性的,在苹果系统下,首次启动较慢
ReverseWidget 1.7
- Roll back to an older version(5.15.2) of pyqt5 to fix crash caused by QCodeEditor
- Add highlight for all kinds of code
- Greatly optimize the UI of appcheker and add line numbers to the code window
- Fix unknown errors
- [zip release] - Faster but more files.
- [protable release] - Slow startup but only one file.
- [Compiler Platform] - Ubuntu 20.04/macOS10.15/Windows10, Python3.8
- 回滚PyQt5的版本,修复因为新增QCodeEditor导致的崩溃
- 为各种涉及代码的窗口新增语法高亮的能力
- 大幅优化Android加壳检测的窗口
- 修复若干错误
- 发布多个平台的可执行文件
- [便携版] - 启动速度更快,但是包含多个文件
- [exe可执行程序] - 启动速度较慢,但是只有一个文件
- [编译平台] - Ubuntu 20.04/macOS10.15/Windows10, Python3.8
ReverseWidget 1.6
- Add function to compute CRC of file
- Add python file comments according 'to Google Python Style Guide'
- Add build scripts
- Fix the size of some windows and beautify the UI
- [protable release] - Faster but more files.
- [exe release] - Slow startup but only one file.
- 新增文件的CRC校验值
- 新增build、publish等多个用于编译和发布release的文件
- 统一部分UI的默认大小
- 按照谷歌编码风格编写文件注释
- 发布多个平台的可执行文件
- [便携版] - 启动速度更快,但是包含多个文件
- [exe可执行程序] - 启动速度较慢,但是只有一个文件
ReverseWidget 1.5
- Add Windows pe checker
- Add Android app checker
- Set script for common language path
- Optimize resource path in UI created by PyQt5 UI code generator
- [protable release] - Faster but more files.
- [exe release] - Slow startup but only one file.
- 新增Windows PE文件加壳检测器
- 新增Android应用加固检测器
- 优化语言翻译
- [便携版] - 启动速度更快,但是包含多个文件
- [exe可执行程序] - 启动速度较慢,但是只有一个文件
ReverseWidget 1.4
- Beautify the main UI.
- Add UI of
format json&xml
module. - [protable release] - Faster but more files.
- [exe release] - Slow startup but only one file.
- 优化了UI并修复一些bug
- 新增格式化输出json/xml文件的功能
- [便携版] - 启动速度更快,但是包含多个文件
- [exe可执行程序] - 启动速度较慢,但是只有一个文件
ReverseWidget 1.3
New functions and more platforms support
- Beautify the main UI of the application
- Add UI of
module - Test of the application under Linux and Windows