Releases: livepeer/ai-worker
Releases · livepeer/ai-worker
What's Changed
- live/runner: Increase liveportrait restart threshold by @victorges in #294
- Allow running worker on non-GPU machine by @leszko in #291
- fix: prevents nvml runtime error by @rickstaa in #292
- api: Fix startup of control API by @victorges in #300
- Add error handling to control message handler task by @eliteprox in #302
- runner: add events url to live video to video by @gioelecerati in #303
- runner: Make control_url and events_url optional by @victorges in #304
- SAM2 video-to-video real-time pipeline by @eliteprox in #280
- fix: managed containers return after inference completed by @ad-astra-video in #301
New Contributors
- @gioelecerati made their first contribution in #303
Full Changelog: v0.12.5...v0.12.6
What's Changed
- feat: add hardware info reporting by @ad-astra-video in #273
- feat(worker): auto pull images if not found by @rickstaa in #200
Full Changelog: v0.12.4...v0.12.5
What's Changed
- docker: ComfyUI model downloading/caching by @victorges in #284
- worker,runner: Fix lifecycle management of realtime containers by @victorges in #288
- test: add b64 functions tests by @rickstaa in #285
- worker: Add noop image to map by @victorges in #289
- Fix control_url task runner by @eliteprox in #290
Full Changelog: v0.12.3...v0.12.4
What's Changed
- runner: Create liveportrait pipeline container by @victorges in #278
- worker+runner: Dynamically start live inference runners by @victorges in #275
- .github: Create CI for live pipelines docker images by @victorges in #282
Full Changelog: v0.12.2...v0.12.3
What's Changed
- runner/live: Cleanup dockerfiles by @victorges in #265
- runner/live: Rename StreamKohaku to StreamDiffusion by @victorges in #266
- live/infer: Allow running with zeromq protocol by @victorges in #267
- live/streamdiffusion: Allow configuring all params by @victorges in #268
- (lv2v) remove unsupported parameters by @eliteprox in #270
- live/trickle: Updates for go-livepeer by @j0sh in #271
- runner/live: Make sure to resize images outside of infer process by @victorges in #272
- Add ComfyUI pipeline by @leszko in #269
- runner/docker: Fix streamdiffusion deps installation by @victorges in #277
- Add Noop pipeline for local testing by @leszko in #276
- runner/live: Fix image resize logic to always set width,heiht by @victorges in #281
- Add Control API by @leszko in #279
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.12.1...v0.12.2
What's Changed
- fix: ensure SDK generation succeeds by @rickstaa in #260
- fix: cuda OOM error handling by @rickstaa in #262
- refactor: simplify ModelName class by @rickstaa in #264
- chore: fix dev container build by @rickstaa in #261
- chore: apply formatter suggestions by @rickstaa in #263
Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.12.1
What's Changed
- Add response params for live-video-to-video by @j0sh in #256
- live/infer: Improve process restart logic for stale pipeline by @victorges in #259
- Add SD3.5 by @ad-astra-video in #258
- live/infer: Add trickle input and output by @j0sh in #253
- Enable new models in audio-to-text by @eliteprox in #163
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0
What's Changed
- refactor(runner): apply small code improvements by @rickstaa in #246
- chore: update OpenAPI spec and client bindings by @rickstaa in #247
- runner/live: Fix params API params piping by @victorges in #249
- Remove gstreamer from live-multimedia Dockerfile by @j0sh in #251
- Add publish / subscribe params for live video-to-video by @j0sh in #252
- Fix logging in live subprocess. by @j0sh in #254
- [AI] Parler Text to Speech by @pschroedl in #219
- refactor(runner): improve SAM2 container dev experience by @rickstaa in #257
New Contributors
- @victorges made their first contribution in #249
- @j0sh made their first contribution in #251
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0
What's Changed
- fix torch device comparison by @yaodingyd in #227
- ci: make pipeline docker ci more generic by @rickstaa in #240
- Add live_video_to_video pipeline by @emranemran in #233
- fix(runner): handle empty prompt in T2I input by @rickstaa in #244
New Contributors
- @yaodingyd made their first contribution in #227
Full Changelog: v0.9.2...v0.10.0