This configuration uses LSP, and all configuration files are written in Lua. I use lazy.nvim
for plugin management.
First, you need to install fd
and ripgrep
, as they are both necessary for the Telescope plugin to work. Telescope is a great fuzzy finder handy when navigating a code base.
Additionally, this configuration requires at least version 0.9.2 of neovim. If you still need to install it or have an older version of neovim, you can check out the neovim installation documentation.
First, clone this repository.
git clone
Back up your current neovim configuration if you have one.
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim_bak
Then, you must make the bootstrap
file executable and run the script. This file is a small bash script that creates symlinks for each file in this configuration.
chmod +x bootstrap
You now have a series of folders and files in your ~/.config/nvim
folder. To update the configuration, you can edit the files in your cloned repository.
Some of the plugins I use include:
- lazy.nvim: it is a plugin manager specifically developed for neovim ❤️
- nvim-lspconfig
- mason: to install and manage LSP language servers and formatters
- null-ls: for formatting and linting
- nvim-treesitter: for syntax highlighting
- telescope: for fuzzy finding
- nvim-tree: a simple file explorer
- vim-surround
- vim-fugitive
- nvim-autopairs
If you're interested in building your neovim configuration, I recommend checking these resources: