This repository is the early Tonzhon Lite, now Tonzhon Lite has been split into tonzhon-lite
, tonzhon-lite-server
and tonzhon-lite-mobile
- 搜索 (支持使用查询字符串搜索,如:
- 播放
- 下载
- 加载网易云音乐的歌单 (如:
- 热歌榜(包括QQ音乐、网易云音乐和酷我音乐)
- 记录搜索历史
- 搜索
- 播放
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Build client-side bundle
npm run build
# Start the server
npm run server
打开 http://localhost:8081
# Start nodemon dev server (需要全局安装 nodemon)
npm run dev-server
# Start webpack dev server
npm start
桌面版打开 http://localhost:3000/
。(注意是 /m/