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Seed module as basis to create other modules


Note: The following instructions assumes that you have already installed OpenPaaS ESN in the path referenced by $ESN below.

While waiting for a npm-based dependency injection handler, you have to install the module in OpenPaaS ESN like this:

1. Clone

git clone

2. Install it in OpenPaaS

There is two way to install the model in OpenPaaS, so choose one of them:

  • A. Using symbolic links

    The modules must be available in the $ESN/modules folder:

    ln -s path_to_module/linagora.esn.todo $ESN/modules/
  • B. Using npm link

    Go inside the module repository:

    npm link

    Go inside OpenPaaS ESN repository:

    cd $ESN
    npm link linagora.esn.todo
    npm install

2. Enable the module in the OpenPaaS ESN configuration file

You must add the module in the modules section in $ESN/config/default.NODE_ENV.json. NODE_ENV is the environment variable used to define if the node application is running in 'production' or in 'development' (the default environment is 'development'). Copy the 'modules' array from $ESN/config/default.json into $ESN/config/default.NODE_ENV.json ($ESN/config/default.development.json or $ESN/config/default.production.json) and add the module name:

"modules": [


Once installed, you can start OpenPaaS ESN as usual. The awesome module is available in the application grid menu.