go install
limactl can be configured via commandline parameters or via config file in $HOME/.liimactl/config.yaml. Sample config:
Host: https://liima-host/AMW_rest/
Username: user for basic auth (optional)
Password: password for basic auth (optional)
# For client cert auth
CertFile: path to public key in pem format (optional)
KeyFile: path to unencrypted private key in pem format (optional)
CAFile: path to ca certs in pem format (optional)
InsecureSkipVerify: false (default false)
Create a new GIT tag and push it:
git tag -a v0.0.2 -m "Liimactl release v0.0.2"
git push origin v0.0.2
GitHub will then build the tag, create a new release on the github page and upload the binaries (win, mac, linux). After that you can add release notes to the release in GitHub.