This action will verify the bytecode of contracts by the definition given in the input file with the following structure:
"artifactPath": "/path/to/build/dir/with/ContractName.json",
"jsonPath": "$",
"sourcePath": "/path/to/src/ContractName.[sol|vy]",
"name": "ContractName",
"address": "0x0",
"txHash": "0x0"
Artifacts file template may be generated by the following scripts:
shopt -s globstar
export IGNORE_REGEX="test|lib|mock|interface"
jq 'select(.deployedBytecode? | length > 2) | select(.abi? | length > 0) |
select(.sourceName? | strings | test(env.IGNORE_REGEX) == false) |
{artifactPath: input_filename, sourcePath: .sourceName, name: .contractName}' \
artifacts/contracts/**/*.json | jq -s | tee artifacts.json
shopt -s globstar
export IGNORE_REGEX="test|lib|mock|interface"
jq 'select(.deployedBytecode? | length > 2) | select(.abi? | length > 0) |
select(.sourcePath? | strings | test(env.IGNORE_REGEX) == false) |
{artifactPath: input_filename, sourcePath: .sourcePath, name: .contractName}' \
build/contracts/**/*.json | jq -s | tee artifacts.json
shopt -s globstar
export IGNORE_REGEX="test|lib|mock|interface"
jq '.contractTypes | to_entries | .[] | select(.value.runtimeBytecode?.bytecode
| length > 2) | select(.value.abi? | length > 0) | select(.value.sourceId? |
strings | test(env.IGNORE_REGEX) == false) | {artifactPath: input_filename,
jsonPath: ("$.contractTypes." + .key), sourcePath: .value.sourceId, name:
.value.contractName}' $MANIFEST | jq -s | tee artifacts.json
Required The path to the file to read definitions from.
RPC endpoint to make requests against. Will fallback to the
provided by the ethers
uses: lidofinance/action-verify-bytecode@master
file: artifacts.json
rpcUrl: http://localhost:8545
INPUT_FILE=artifacts.json [INPUT_RPCURL=http://localhost:8545] node dist/index.js