BOOST-HMI is a generalized energy-based Bayesian framework method that is proposed to identify spatial variable (SV) genes from the imaging-based spatially resolved transcriptomic (SRT) dataset. A hidden gene expression level indicator is introduced to dichotomize the gene expression counts into two levels: highly-expressed and low-expressed. It models the gene expression counts using a zero-inflated negative binomial mixture distribution and the interaction between highly-expressed and lowly-expressed cells is characterized by a hidden Bayesian mark interaction model.
The following R packages are required to run the model
- Rcpp
- RcppArmadillo
The main steps of BOOST-HMI are the following:
- Preparation of gene expression count file
- Preparation of spatial location file
- BOOST-HMI analysis
- Downstream analysis
One replicate of the Mouse hippocampus seqFISH data cohort is Data/hippocampus_field_43.Rdata
The gene expression count file has the following format
Tal1 | Dmbx1 | Emx2 | ... | fbll1 | |
Cell 1 | 3 | 11 | 13 | ... | 28 |
Cell 2 | 3 | 9 | 14 | ... | 20 |
Cell 3 | 12 | 3 | 1 | ... | 25 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Cell 257 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ... | 6 |
The geostatistical profile has the following format
x | y | |
Cell 1 | 686 | 352 |
Cell 2 | 488 | 572 |
Cell 3 | 178 | 624 |
... | ... | ... |
Cell 257 | 461 | 234 |
# prior specification
Q <- 2
c <- 0.15
iter <- 50000
burn <- iter/2
M <- 1
# size factor
rowsum = apply(count,1,sum)
scaler = exp(-1/nrow(count) * sum(log(rowsum)))
si = scaler * rowsum
# priors for phi
a_phi = 0.01
b_phi= 100
# priors for mu
a_mu = 0.01;
b_mu= 100;
# prior for theta
mu_theta <- 0;
sigma_theta <- 3.5; # 95.44% theta in (-4,4)
# prior for omega
mu_omega <- 1;
sigma_omega <- 0.5;
# Prior in proposal distribution
tau_mu <- 0.1
tau_theta<- 0.1
tau_omega = 0.1
tau_phi = 0.1
# parameter configuration
theta_start <- rnorm(1, mu_theta, sigma_theta);
theta_start <- matrix(c(0,theta_start,theta_start,0), ncol =2)
omega_start <- rep(1,Q)
H = rep(0,nrow(count))
phi_start <- c(1,1)
mu_start <- c(0,0)
# build edges and distance
id_start <- 1;
id_end <- nrow(count);
build <- dist_list(x, y, c);
edge <- build$edge;
distance <- build$distance;
duplicate <- build$duplicate;
flag_start <- build$flag_start;
flag_end <- build$flag_end;
# Implement MCMC algorithm
re <- model_estimator(H,z_start,count[,g], edge, distance, duplicate, id_start, id_end, flag_start, flag_end, theta_start, omega_start,
lambda_start, mu_theta, sigma_theta, mu_omega, sigma_omega, a_lambda, b_lambda, iter, burn, M,
tau_mu, phi_lambda ,mu_start, phi_start, si,tau_lambda,tau_theta,tau_omega,tau_phi,a_phi,b_phi,a_mu,b_mu);
- H_sum
- mu
- phi
- z_summed_by_row
- z_colmeans
- omega
- theta
- accept_theta
- accept_omega
- accept_mu
- accept_phi
# calculate Bayes factor
bayes_factor <- bf(re)