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A playground for experimenting ideas that may apply to Spark SQL/Catalyst

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This project is a sandbox and playground of mine for experimenting ideas and potential improvements to Spark SQL. It consists of:

  • A parser that parses a small SQL dialect into unresolved logical plans
  • A semantic analyzer that resolves unresolved logical plans into resolved ones
  • A query optimizer that optimizes resolved query plans into equivalent but more performant ones
  • A query planner that turns (optimized) logical plans into executable physical plans

Currently Spear only works with local Scala collections.


Building Spear is as easy as:

$ ./build/sbt package

Run the REPL

Spear has an Ammonite-based REPL for interactive experiments. To start it:

$ ./build/sbt spear-repl/run

Let's create a simple DataFrame of numbers:

@ context range 10 show ()
│ 0│
│ 1│
│ 2│
│ 3│
│ 4│
│ 5│
│ 6│
│ 7│
│ 8│
│ 9│

A sample query using the DataFrame API:

@ context.
    select('id as 'key, (rand(42) * 100) cast IntType as 'value).
    where('value % 2 === 0).
│  5│   90│
│  9│   78│
│  0│   72│
│  1│   68│
│  4│   66│
│  8│   46│
│  6│   36│
│  2│   30│

Equivalent sample query using SQL:

@ context range 10 asTable 't // Registers a temporary table first

@ context.sql(
    """SELECT * FROM (
      |  SELECT id AS key, CAST(RAND(42) * 100 AS INT) AS value FROM t
      |) s
      |WHERE value % 2 = 0
      |ORDER BY value DESC
│  5│   90│
│  9│   78│
│  0│   72│
│  1│   68│
│  4│   66│
│  8│   46│
│  6│   36│
│  2│   30│

We can also check the query plan using explain():

@ context.
    select('id as 'key, (rand(42) * 100) cast IntType as 'value).
    where('value % 2 === 0).
# Logical plan
Sort: order=[$0] ⇒ [?output?]
│ ╰╴$0: `value` DESC NULLS FIRST
╰╴Filter: condition=$0 ⇒ [?output?]
  │ ╰╴$0: ((`value` % 2:INT) = 0:INT)
  ╰╴Project: projectList=[$0, $1] ⇒ [?output?]
    │ ├╴$0: (`id` AS `key`#11)
    │ ╰╴$1: (CAST((RAND(42:INT) * 100:INT) AS INT) AS `value`#12)
    ╰╴LocalRelation: data=<local-data> ⇒ [`id`#10:BIGINT!]

# Analyzed plan
Sort: order=[$0] ⇒ [`key`#11:BIGINT!, `value`#12:INT!]
│ ╰╴$0: `value`#12:INT! DESC NULLS FIRST
╰╴Filter: condition=$0 ⇒ [`key`#11:BIGINT!, `value`#12:INT!]
  │ ╰╴$0: ((`value`#12:INT! % 2:INT) = 0:INT)
  ╰╴Project: projectList=[$0, $1] ⇒ [`key`#11:BIGINT!, `value`#12:INT!]
    │ ├╴$0: (`id`#10:BIGINT! AS `key`#11)
    │ ╰╴$1: (CAST((RAND(CAST(42:INT AS BIGINT)) * CAST(100:INT AS DOUBLE)) AS INT) AS `value`#12)
    ╰╴LocalRelation: data=<local-data> ⇒ [`id`#10:BIGINT!]

# Optimized plan
Sort: order=[$0] ⇒ [`key`#11:BIGINT!, `value`#12:INT!]
│ ╰╴$0: `value`#12:INT! DESC NULLS FIRST
╰╴Filter: condition=$0 ⇒ [`key`#11:BIGINT!, `value`#12:INT!]
  │ ╰╴$0: ((`value`#12:INT! % 2:INT) = 0:INT)
  ╰╴Project: projectList=[$0, $1] ⇒ [`key`#11:BIGINT!, `value`#12:INT!]
    │ ├╴$0: (`id`#10:BIGINT! AS `key`#11)
    │ ╰╴$1: (CAST((RAND(42:BIGINT) * 100.0:DOUBLE) AS INT) AS `value`#12)
    ╰╴LocalRelation: data=<local-data> ⇒ [`id`#10:BIGINT!]

# Physical plan
Sort: order=[$0] ⇒ [`key`#11:BIGINT!, `value`#12:INT!]
│ ╰╴$0: `value`#12:INT! DESC NULLS FIRST
╰╴Filter: condition=$0 ⇒ [`key`#11:BIGINT!, `value`#12:INT!]
  │ ╰╴$0: ((`value`#12:INT! % 2:INT) = 0:INT)
  ╰╴Project: projectList=[$0, $1] ⇒ [`key`#11:BIGINT!, `value`#12:INT!]
    │ ├╴$0: (`id`#10:BIGINT! AS `key`#11)
    │ ╰╴$1: (CAST((RAND(42:BIGINT) * 100.0:DOUBLE) AS INT) AS `value`#12)
    ╰╴LocalRelation: data=<local-data> ⇒ [`id`#10:BIGINT!]