Cell 1
You wake up in a cold, damp room that appears to look like a cell. Your head is throbbing as you
wonder how you got here. With the light from a nearby torch in the room, you see a note.
Text-Based Video Game RPG by
Liam Abalos
Minh Dinh
Isaac Leiva
Welcome to the Prison.
You, a prisoner, awake in a mysterious prison full of mystery and danger. Your goal: escape. With the help of an unknown stranger, you progress through the prison, into the jungle, and finally find yourself in the Shadow Realm. Do you have what it takes to free yourself and your soul?
This game was created by Liam Abalos, Minh Dinh, and Isaac Leiva as a secondary project for an AP Computer Science course. To make the game, Inform 7 was used, an interactive fiction design system based off of natural language instead of "complicated computer code". The game has been through many stages of story and gameplay to finally end up with the version you see before you.