YACS with support for multi and sub-semesters for any school
Clone the repo and
docker-compose up -d
Once up,
Head to the admin panel at /admin
You'll be able to
- Import courses
- Select default semesters
- Rename semester parts (useful for semesters that are split in parts)
Head to /
and allow your peers/students to schedule away!
You should have a postgresql db running on your machine
1. Build Schema
from src/data
run bash build.sh
to build the schema
2. Run
npm i && FLASK_APP=src/app.py npm start
You should be able to access @ localhost:8080
3. Populate with your schools data
In localhost:8080/admin
submit your school's courses by CSV and you're ready to schedule!
For schema see /rpi_data/summer-2020.csv as an example