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Go api starter


Directory Structure

By default, your project's structure will look like this:

  • /controllers: contains the core code of your application.
  • /database: contains mongo-go-driver connector.
  • /helpers: contains helpers functions of your application.
  • /middlewares: contains middlewares of your application.
  • /routes: directory contains RESTful api routes of your application.
  • /tests: contains tests of your application.
  • /types: contains the types/structures of your application.

Environment Configuration

letsGo uses godotenv for setting environment variables. The root directory of your application will contain a .env.example file. copy and rename it to .env to set your environment variables.

You need to create a .env.testing file from .env.example for running tests.

Setting up

  • clone letsGo
  • change package name in go.mod to your package name
  • change the internal package (controllers, tests, helpers etc.) paths as per your requirement
  • setup .env and .env.testing
  • run go mod download to install dependencies

OR letsgo-cli can be used to setup new project

install letsgo-cli

go get

Create a new project

letsgo-cli init <import_namespace> <project_name>
  • letsgo-cli init myapp
    Generates a new project called myapp in your GOPATH inside and installs the default plugins through the glide.

Run : go run main.go

Build : go build

Test : go test tests/main_test.go

Coverall :

go test -v -coverpkg=./... -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...

goveralls -coverprofile=coverage.out -service=travis-ci -repotoken $COVERALLS_TOKEN


letsgo uses Go OAuth2 ( for authentication.

Deploy into Docker

sudo docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/go/src/ -w /go/src/ iron/go:dev go build -o letsgo
sudo docker build -t sab94/letsgo .
sudo docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 sab94/letsgo

Thank You