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Leo Wilkin edited this page May 17, 2023 · 1 revision

GitHub Dictionary

What terms mean, and in what context they are used


This is an in-built function in GitHub that comes 'pre-installed' with every repository and is a way for registered GitHub users to highlight errors with code, submit features, get help and more.


To notify a person on GitHub by using @ before their username. Users in an organization on GitHub can also be a part of a team that can be mentioned.

Code of conduct

A document that defines standards for how to engage in a community.

Commit graph

A document that defines standards for how to engage in a community.


Status checks are external processes, such as continuous integration builds, which run for each commit you make in a repository. For more information, see "About status checks."


A contributor is someone who does not have collaborator access to a repository but has contributed to a project and had a pull request they opened merged into the repository. E.g. if you make a PR to this repo, you will come up as a contributer! Try it.

Default branch

The base branch for new pull requests and code commits in a repository. Each repository has at least one branch, which Git creates when you initialize the repository. The first branch is usually called main, and is often the default branch. If you want to use GitHub Pages, follow the steps in the GttHub Pages tutorial to change your default branch


A fork is a personal copy of another user's repository that lives on your account. Forks allow you to freely make changes to a project without affecting the original upstream repository. You can also open a pull request in the upstream repository and keep your fork synced with the latest changes since both repositories are still connected.


This isn't GitHub, but rather a file edit tracking system. Git is an open-source program. It was written by the author of the Linux operating system, and is the core technology that GitHub, the social and user interface, is built on top of.

GitHub Pages

This is a free HTML hosting system built into GitHub by pushing commits to a new branch named gh-pages, which will publish to For more details on this, refer to the GitHub Pages tutorial (link TBC)

GitHub Wiki

This is a GitHub Wiki! A section for hosting wiki style documentation on a GitHub repository.


A document that you can include with your project to let people know what they can and can't do with your source code. Choose a CC Licence (free)


Markdown is an incredibly simple semantic file format, not too dissimilar from .doc, .rtf and .txt. Markdown makes it easy for even those without a web-publishing background to write prose (including with links, lists, bullets, etc.) and have it displayed like a website. GitHub supports Markdown and uses a particular form of Markdown called GitHub Flavored Markdown. See GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec or Getting started with writing and formatting on GitHub.


Open source software is software that can be freely used, modified, and shared (in both modified and unmodified form) by anyone. Today the concept of "open source" is often extended beyond software, to represent a

philosophy of collaboration in which working materials are made available online for anyone to fork, modify, discuss, and contribute to.


Organizations are a group of two or more users that typically mirror real-world organizations. They are administered by users and can contain both repositories and teams.


A permanent static hyperlink to a particular web page.

Protected branch

Protected branches block several features of Git on a branch that a repository administrator chooses to protect. They can't be force pushed, deleted, have changes merged without required checks passing or required reviews approved, or have files uploaded to it from the GitHub web interface. A protected branch is usually the default branch.


Pull refers to when you are fetching in changes and merging them. For instance, if someone has edited the remote file you're both working on, you'll want to pull in those changes to your local copy so that it's up to date. See also fetch.


A text file containing information about the files in a repository that is typically the first file a visitor to your repository will see. A README file, along with a repository license, contribution guidelines, and a code of conduct, helps you share expectations and manage contributions to your project.


(A.K.A Repo)

This is like a code file stored on your computer. It's good practice to have a separate repo for different projects, or things that have different purposes, so it's easier to store files, and debug if something goes wrong.

If you have seen a term, and don't know what it is, make an issue and it will be added here.

If you're feeling adventurous, edit this MD file and submit a PR with details of what you changed. No deletions pls. Thanks for your support!