An attempt at documenting a composition of coding standards acquired from multiple game developers across the community.
- Use spaces instead of tabs. Do not mix spaces and tabs;
- Each identation level should be 4 spaces wide;
- Each brace should have its own line;
// Avoid
if(playerWasHit) {
Damage(player, damageAmount);
// Prefer
Damage(player, damageAmount);
// Bad
public float Health { get { return health; } }
// Good
public float Health
return health;
- It is acceptable to use the expression body definition operator
for property getters and setters for simple, single-statement properties;
public float Health
get => health;
set => health = value;
- Every statement after a conditional should be inside braces, even if it is a single statement;
// Bad
// Good
- Avoid using ternary operator;
- Use string interpolation instead of LogFormat to increase readability;
// Avoid
Debug.Log("Player " + playerId + " took a hit from " + damageSource + " for " + damageAmount + " damage.");
// Avoid
Debug.LogFormat("Player {0} took a hit from {1} for {2} damage.", playerId, damageSource, damageAmount);
// Prefer
Debug.Log($"Player {playerId} took a hit from {damageSource} for {damageAmount} damage.");
- Switch-case code should be implemented inside braces;
case PlayerBodyColors.White:
case PlayerBodyColors.Red:
- Encode the document in UTF-8 if possible;
- End-Of-Line character should be CRLF;
- Library usings should be the first lines of a file, followed by typedef-like usings;
- Put every class definition inside an appropriate namespace;
- Prefer defining only one class per file;
- File name should be the same as the class name.
// File: AiPathfinder.cs
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using WaypointMap = Dictionary<Vector3,Waypoint>;
namespace MyGame.AiNavigation
public class AiPathfinder
Usings should be defined in the following order:
- System or .NET libraries
- Unity libraries
- Third-Party plugins (asset store)
- Your own utility libraries
- Project namespaces
- Type name aliases
All namespace categories should be blocked together, without separating with spaces or comments.
An exception to this is typedef-like usings, which should be separated from library usings with an empty line.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using ExampleCompany;
using OtherCompany.BoostedInspector;
using MyUtilityLib;
using MyUtilityLib.DebugUtilities;
using MyOtherLib.Patterns;
using ThisProject;
using ThisProject.Audio;
using ThisProject.Combat;
using EntityPrefabMap = Dictionary<EntityType,GameObject>;
- Define a class in the following order:
- Nested classes
- Constants
- Enums
- Properties
- Fields
- Constructors (if applicable)
- Unity Messages
- Public methods
- Private methods
public class MyClass : MonoBehaviour
private class MyNestedClass
private const int SOME_CONSTANT = 1;
public enum SomeEnum
public int SomeProperty
get => someField;
private int someField;
private void Start()
public void SomePublicMethod()
private void SomePrivateMethod()
- Prefer defining methods in the following order:
- Initialization methods
- Core functionality methods
- Helper or explanatory methods
// Initialization
private void Initialize()
// Core functionality
private void Move(Vector3 direction)
// Helper
private bool CheckIfPositionIsWalkable(Vector3 position)
- Identifiers for classes, methods, namespaces, enums, properties, attributes and coroutines are
namespace OpenSoulsGame.Debug
public class RichTextFormatter
public string StringToBold(this string inputString)
public float DefaultSpacing
[ConsoleAttribute] private int letterSpacing;
- Identifiers for fields, local variables, parameters are
public int playerId;
private InputHandler playerInput;
private float health;
var name = GetPlayerName(playerId);
- Constants are written in
public const int MAX_SCENE_OBJECTS = 256;
- Acronyms should be treated as words and are written in
public class XmlFormatter
public class AiBehaviour
The conventions for casing are unaffected by the modifiers
; -
Namespace identifiers should briefly describe the systems or sets of definitions contained in the namespace.
namespace Utilities.Debug
namespace TowerDefenseGame.Combat
namespace TowerDefenseGame.UI
- Class identifiers should briefly describe its responsibilities or data. Prefer including the suffix "Base" in abstract classes where applicable.
// A class responsible for performing movement on the player character's transform
class PlayerMotor
// An abstract class for implementing behaviors for AI Agents
abstract class AiBehaviourBase
- Interfaces should include the prefix "I". The interface name should briefly describe the purpose of its members or the components it interacts with.
interface IMotorTarget
interface IUiElement
- Method identifiers should describe the effect caused by the method, or the return value if the method has no effect.
// A method that performs movement on the player character
public void Move(Vector3 movement)
// Tipically, the identifier for methods without a return type should be a verb
// A method that converts radians to degrees.
private float RadianToDegrees(float radians)
// The identifier helps to understand how the returned value should be interpreted
// A method to determine if a position in the world can be traversed by the player
private bool IsPositionWalkable(Vector3 position)
- Coroutines are written with the prefix 'CO_', and the rest of its identifier should follow the same rules as methods.
IEnumerator CO_SpawnPlayer(int playerId)
- Write self-documenting code when possible. Avoid overly abbreviated variables which don't have semantic value for the reader.
// Bad:
p = p + v * dt;
// Good:
position = position + velocity * deltaTime;
- You can also use explanatory variables to avoid writing complicated and unreadable lines:
// Bad:
pos = Vector3.Lerp(targetEnemy.position, player.GetComponent<AutoMovementController>().targetWaypoint.nextPosition, elapsedTime / max);
// Good:
var waypoint = player.GetComponent<AutoMovementController>().targetWaypoint;
var startPosition = targetEnemy.position;
var finalPosition = waypoint.nextPosition;
var lerpPoint = elapsedTime / maxMovementTime;
position = Vector3.Lerp(startPosition, finalPosition, lerpPoint);
- Write useful comments. Avoid being redundant with what the code is telling the reader. Instead, disclose valuable information that might not be directly perceivable.
// Bad:
// increment player id
// Good:
// We know that a new player has joined, generate a new identifier.
- Do not comment bad or unreadable code. Prefer rewriting it instead.
// Bad:
// Increase current position by the velocity scaled by deltaTime to perform movement.
p = p + v * dt;
// Good:
position = position + velocity * deltaTime;
- Do not contradict the code!
// Bad:
// Health value should be between 0 and 100.
private int health;
... = 150;
// Good:
// Base health values should be between 0 and 100.
private int health;
// Apply the temporary health buff from consuming potion. = 150;