This is an implementation of Fortune's Algorithm in the polar coordinate model of hyperbolic space. Based on this paper.
You can use the code as a header-only library. Alternatively, you can build an executable that calculates and draws a diagram based on a set of points read from a file. The output then looks like the following picture which shows a Voronoi diagram of N=500 points uniformly distributed across a disk in the hyperbolic plane of radius R=9. The red lines are the Delaunay triangulation that connects points whose Voronoi cells are neighboring.
This is a header only library that you can easily include to your project. Place the fortune-hyperbolic
into a directory of your choice and include it in your CMakeLists.txt
list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH <path/to/fortune-hyperbolic>)
target_include_directories(<your_target> PRIVATE ${Fortune_Hyperbolic_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(<your_target> PRIVATE ${Fortune_Hyperbolic_LIBRARIES})
High precision floating point values from boost and MPFR are supported. If you wish to use these, set the
This directory contains a sample application that computes and draws a Voronoi Diagram. See CMakeLists.txt for an example using MPFR. You need boost and MPFR installed for this.
The following program allows you to compute a Voronoi Diagram from a set of sites
#include <geometry.hpp>
#include <utils.hpp>
#include <kernels.hpp>
#include <fortune.hpp>
#include <vector>
using namespace hyperbolic;
using floating_point_type = double;
int main() {
// calculate the diagram
VoronoiDiagram v;
vector<Point<double>> sites = {
{3, 2.43},
{2, 2.19},
{6, 0.87},
{9.2, 1.23}
<FullNativeKernel<floating_point_type>, floating_point_type>
fortune(v, sites);
// draw the diagram
VoronoiCanvas canvas(v, sites);
- fortune-hyperbolic: contains the header only library with the implementation
- experiments: contains an implementation of CGAL for calculation Voronoi Diagrams in the Poincare model and python scripts for comparison of the two versions
- tests: contains tests
- generator: contains a generator for uniform sampling of points in the hyperbolic plane
See fortune-hyperbolic/docs/html for some Documentation generated by Doxygen.
We use CMake. To build the example application in this project, use
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
You can then execute the generator
and let the main
executable calculate the corresponding Voronoi diagram with the following commands
./generator -o sample.txt -N 500 -R 10
./main -i sample.txt -d diagram.svg
which samples 500 points uniformly distributed within a disk of radius 10 and then calculates their Voronoi diagram that is written to diagram.svg.