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CLI tool that applies an ASCII filter to video or image.



Python package from PyPI

asciiclip is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip (Python 3 with setuptools required):

python3 -m pip install asciiclip

Installing from PyPI is the recommended way of installation, which gives you the latest released version.


Create an ASCII clip from YouTube video or local video:

asciiclip -o -d /dest/
asciiclip -o /from/clip.mp4 -d /to/ -s 10 -e 30

Create an ASCII image of a particular second from YouTube video or local video:

asciiclip -o -d /dest/ -r 120
asciiclip -o /from/clip.mp4 -d /to/ -r 5

Create an ASCII image from local image using custom ASCII character list:

asciiclip -o /from/image.png -d /to/ -a ".:;-+*uo@"

Create an ASCII clip using custom settings:

asciiclip -o -d /dest/ -a ".:;-+*uo@" -q 1080 -h 6 6 -fs 6


When you run asciiclip with no arguments help message is displayed, listing all options.

Usage: asciiclip [OPTIONS]

Available options:

  • -o, --source PATH - Link to YouTube video or path to image or video [required]
  • -d, --destination DIRECTORY - Output folder [required]
  • -f, --filename TEXT - Output file name [default: ascii]
  • -s, --start INTEGER - Used to trim video, sets the beginning point in seconds
  • -e, --end INTEGER - Used to trim video, sets the ending point in seconds
  • -r, --frame INTEGER - Turns the frame at a specified second of video into an image (-s/-e will be ignored)
  • -t, --threads INTEGER RANGE - Number of threads used for video processing [default: 8; 1<=x<=32]
  • -a, --chars TEXT - List of ASCII characters arranged from dark to light [default: .;*uo]
  • -p, --preset [720|1080] - A set of settings that will produce a 720p or 1080p output file (-h/-ft/-fs/-q will be ignored)
  • -q, --sourcequality [360|480|720|1080] - Height in pixels to which the video or image will be scaled down (the final result will be about [fontsize/chunk] times this value) [default: 360]
  • -h, --chunk INTEGER RANGE... - Size of the rectangular area that will be consolidated to a single ASCII symbol [default: 2, 2; 0<=x<=128]
  • -g, --gsv FLOAT RANGE... - RGB weights used when desaturating an image or video [default: 0.299, 0.587, 0.114; 0<=x<=1]
  • -c, --compression INTEGER RANGE - PNG compression level [default: 0; 0<=x<=9]
  • -ft, --font FILE - Path to custom font [default: moby.ttf]
  • -fs, --fontsize INTEGER RANGE - Font size [default: 6; 0<=x<=128]
  • -fc, --fontcolor INTEGER RANGE - Font color [default: 255, 255, 255; 0<=x<=255]
  • --keepaspectratio - Preserves original aspect ratio, otherwise if the video is thinner than 16:9 bars will be added to the sides
  • --mute - Removes the audio track from the video
  • --quiet - Suppress all console messages
  • --help - Show this message and exit.