A list of useful Go (golang) articles, blog posts, projects, etc. that I use during my work. I've added a date to each link to show when I've added it to this page. This is not intended to be a competitor to the excellent awesome-go project.
- Fault tolerance in Go (12/12/2016)
- Rendering multiple templates in Go (12/12/2016)
- Sorting a Slice of Structs in Go (12/12/2016)
- How to avoid Go gotchas --> especially the bit about Go pointers being passed by value, not by reference (06/11/2016)
- The complete guide to Go net/http timeouts (15/07/2016)
- 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs (15/07/2016)
- Understanding nil (22/07/2016)
- Practical advice for Go library authors (15/07/2016)
- Go Database Overview (08/11/2016)
- hlandau/passlib: Password hashing package that supports bcrypt, scrypt and salting (14/12/2016)
- dcu/go-authy: easy to implement 2FA with SMS verification, requires a paid Authy subscription (12/12/2016)
- afex/hystrix-go: add resilience to your API clients (12/12/2016)
- DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock: mock your database for testing (22/10/2016)
- gorilla/mux: HTTP routing (15/07/2016)
- urfave/negroni: HTTP Middleware handler (15/07/2016)
- strechr/testify: writing easier test assertions (15/07/2016)
- unrolled/render: HTTP response rendering (15/07/2016)
- palantir/stacktrace: provide more context to error messages (15/07/2016)
- unrolled/secure: improve API security (15/07/2016)
- kardianos/govendor: vendor management, replacing godep (06/11/2016)
- pilu/fresh: watch file changes and reload Go server, though have changed to using Gulp for my more complex projects (15/07/2016)