npm i --save react-native-swiper@next
Breaking Changes 💥
android swiper container style props name change: style
=> containerStyle
📚Completed Work
- Remove ViewPagerAndroid, use ScrollView #1009 (remember to clean the old node_modules)
- correct the wrong types #1000
- Add missing scrollBy TypeScript definition #931
- SwiperProps extends ScrollView base type (✨v1.6.0-rc.3)
New Feature
Bug Fix
- ES6 and CommonJS compatibility #717
- Solves the issue of state messing up when parent component calls setState #939
- replay when autoplay is setted to true #1002
- rename unsafe lifecycles
- fix broken examples and migrate to react-native 0.60.x
- fix bad jumping on ios when loadMinimal set true
- fix fliker when loop and loadMinimal are enabled #1062
- invoke onMomentumScrollEnd even offset no diff (✨v1.6.0-rc.3)