It is a plugin that empowers the Scrum Master and the development team to create the backlog and sprints based on processes that can be reused and standardized throughout the project and/or across different projects.
To install the plugin, there are two methods. For the first method, follow these steps:
- Download the plugin,
- Open Visual Studio Code
- Right-click and then select "Install Extension VSIX" to initiate the installation.
The second method follow these steps:
- Open the VSCode
- Click in Extensions
- Search : MADE-Leds
- Click in Install
Right-click on your .made
file and select "Synchronize With Project Management"
Define the project configuration and the token for creating the project in your project manager.
project "project-name"{
id: projectid
description: "project description"
email: "email of the project editor"
host: ""
token: "the api token"
Define a team and inside of it define the members of the team
team TeamID {
name: "team name"
description: "team description"
teammember memberid {
name: "member name"
email:"[email protected]"
Define the timebox its responsibles, planning and performed
timebox timeboxid {
name: "timebox name"
description: "timebox description"
startDate: "01/01/2024"
endDate: "12/12/2024"
responsible: TeamID.memberid
planning {
item: "planning item" assignee: "member name"
item: "performed item" status: DOING
Define the project and its activities.
process processID {
name: "process name"
description: "process description"
activity activityID{
name: "activity name"
description: "activity description"
Define the backlog its epics and user stories.
backlog BackLogID {
name: "backlog name"
description: "backlog description"
epic EpicId {
name: "Epic name"
process: processID
userstory userstoryId {
name: "User story name"
activity: processID.activityID