The human experience is 4-dimensional, but we only control our movement in 3. This study group focuses on formal and informal approaches to 3D lived space—construction and deconstruction, interpretation, representation, meaning, experience, and power.
Space, as an object (not “outer space”), is studied from the vantage point of many fields; here, we seek to discuss it in a transdisciplinary environment that brings together tools from all of these different groups. How does the set designer approach space, versus the architect, the dancer, the urban planner, the physicist, the geographer?
What is space? How do we talk about it? How do we describe or parameterize it? What power does space exert, and who controls space? How is space different from place? How do humans experience space, psychologically and phenomenologically? These are questions we seek to explore.
idk man, whatever! I broke the syllabus into some broad areas with a vague trajectory. each one might be a week or two, aiming for a ~3hr discussion per week.
- architecture
- dance / performance
- dérivé, parkour, skateboarding
- urban planning
- cartography & geography
- Phenomenology
- Psychogeography (John Stilgoe)
- Geocaching
- Skateboarding
- Parkour
- Cartography in contemporary contexts
- Borges ‘On Exactitude in Science’
- Notation system for architects, urban planners, dancers
- What separates “spatial art” from Architecture
- Privileges of working w/space (Turrell, Hezier)
- Spatial experience as part of human experience
- The Spatial Turn
- Fredric Jameson’s discussion of spatiality as unique to our times
- 3D Space as permitting inherent complexity
- Lefebvre’s breakdown: conceived space, perceived space, lived space
- Globalization & Extrastatecraft as normalization of space, which removes sense of place
- Politics of space—how can space assert an ideology and also directly affect large populations?
- Yi-Fu Tuan's Work
- You Are Here & Personal Geographies (ref. Psychogeography)
- Maps of the Imagination - Writer as Cartography
- Affordances of different media for spatial construction: novel versus graphic novel versus movie versus video game, etc…