Speeding up dedicated python code using C/C++-interfaces.
Python is the most popular programming language for machine learning applications. It is also very useful for typical image processing tasks. Of those, many pixel-based operations howewer require a lot execution time. C/C++ is often used to implement drivers and is very fast compared to Python. There are existing libraries which allow to use C/C++ code in Python. A typical usecase is to start a software or to perform a simple yet extensive task in C++ and then to re-import the result in Python. Hence, an interface library shall be implemented that gives the user multiple options on how to interact with C/C++ code and shall take care of the data type conversion problem between Python and C/C++. The result will be the interface library written in Python.
to be filled
to be written
- 24.04.2024 Kick-Off-Meeting
- ... Researching existing solutions (M1)
- ... Minimum working example (M2)
- ... another milestone
- xx.xx.xxxx Deliver first final solution
- xx.xx.xxxx Final Presentation of Results
- xx.xx.xxxx Completed Hand-over, Documentation and Repository Merge