Custom library for 418 Purple Haze
Note: CTRE will not be as well supported as REV products as our team primarily lives in the REV Robotics ecosystem
- Hardware wrappers with built-in AdvantageKit logging
- REV Robotics
- Spark Max with SmoothMotionTM
- Spark Flex with SmoothMotionTM
- Through bore encoder connected to Spark Max/Flex in absolute mode ONLY!
- Spark Flex and NEO Vortex MUST be paired together!
- 3-way communication to ensure parameters are set
- Improved velocity PID performance
- More accurate velocity readings
- CANivore
- Pidgeon 2.0
- CANCoder
- VictorSPX
- TalonSRX
- Kauai Labs
- NavX2 (MXP port only)
- Generic
- Analog sensor
- Compressor
- Single and double solenoid
- Limit switch
- Servo
- REV Robotics
- MAXSwerve module support
- Supports NEO v1.0/1.1 or NEO Vortex + NEO 550 configuration only
- REV through bore encoder must be used
- Module must be calibrated using REV MAXSwerve calibration tool
- Robot rotation PID
- Traction control
- Swerve second order kinematics correction
- Configurable input maps
- LED strip support
- JSON read/write
- Battery scanning and tracking
Add the following dependencies to your project:
- AdvantageKit -
- NavX -
- REVLib -
- CTRE Phoenix5 -
- CTRE Phoenix6 -
Add the following to build.gradle
where VERSION is the release version, e.g. 2023.0.0
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.+'
implementation 'com.github.lasarobotics:PurpleLib:VERSION'
Create a release in GitHub. JitPack does the rest.
Usage examples can be found here
An example swerve project is here
Javadocs available here