(Neccessary) Aylur's GTK Shell (AGS), kitty, Hyprland, swww, yay,
(optional) fuzzel, A nerd font like FantasqueSansM, Papirus Icon Theme, grim, slurp, fastfetch, starship, fish,
(STEP 1) If you're on Arch, you can simple run this and it will install all the stuff:
yay -S starship fastfetch grim slurp fish aylur-gtk-shell hyprland ttf-fantasquesansm-nerd swww papirus-icon-theme kitty fuzzel git base-devel
(OPTIONAL) maybe there are some other dependencies like mpris, bluetooth, so if anything goes wrong, run this command too:
sudo pacman -Syu upower networkmanager pipewire-pulse libdbusmenu-gtk3 ttf-hanazono gvfs xdg-user-dirs
(STEP 2)
Clone the repo with:
git clone https://github.com/larkjkj/dotfiles/
Make a .config folder(probally you have)
mkdir ~/.config
Move the content from dotfiles to .config and delete the dotfiles folder
mv ~/dotfiles ~/.config/
You can test it, by running hyprland enjoy :)