Welcome to the software that powers the LED light display on the front of the Infolab.
If you're here to write an effect for the display, have a play around with The Playground.
When you've written your effect, fork the repo and add the effect as a js file alongside the others in web/priv/js_effects/, then submit a PR!
If you're submitting an effect, please make sure it follows these rules:
- Effects must not display explicit/ offensive content.
- Effects must not fetch external resources.
For obvious reasons, PRs containing effects that violate these restrictions will be rejected.
Author | Effect | Description |
@simmsb | Rainbow | Just a simple rainbow effect to demo things |
@JohnVidler | Conway | The classic Conway's Game of Life sim |
@JohnVidler | Colorway | Another Conway's Game of Life sim, with trails! |
@simmsb | Fireworks | A fireworks simulation. |
@JohnVidler | Cheerworks | A web-connected fireworks simulation (cheerlights) |
@simmsb | Snowman | A nice snowman |
@LukesterWad | Sine Wave | A moving sine wave that changes amplitude and spins. |
@NinjaMandalorian | Gradients | Uses current time values to generate gradients over blue diagonal strips, using trigonometric functions and the date object. |
@SuitYourselfGames | A* Visualizer | A* algorithm path finding Visualizer |
@Eric-zhang-1111 | Shift | Shift between two colours over time |
@mrgwbland | Colour changing spiral | Spiral works inwards changing colour, when it reaches the end (near centre) it goes back to the start. |
@james1236 | Matrix rain | Matrix style falling rain that gets longer and more frequent with time |
@SuitYourselfGames | Blobs | Some colourful blobs! |
@lcjb360 | Bad Chess | Google en passant |
@james1236 | Word Game | Word game animation |
@DOmBuRnAdOwl | Cellular Automata | Wolframs rule 30 feeding into Conways Game of Life |
@moolordking | Trigonometric Sinusoidal | Trigonometric sinusoidal strings changing colour across the screen. |
@PeanutbutterWarrior | DVD Logo Screensaver | The classic DVD Logo Screensaver! |
@tomaustn | Walkies | A labrador going for a walk, in honour of Coco :) |
@Brumus14 | Mandelbrot | Mandelbrot set effect |
@Brumus14 | Falling Sand | Falling sand set effect |
@IMB11 | Patches | Patches effect - kinda like the bubbles screensaver on windows vista! |
@Orlando-PB | Planets | Planets Effect - uses known orbital periods and locations to estimate and display planet positions over a 100 year period, pausing on the positions from the current date. |
@Orlando-PB | Sorting | Displays several sorting algorithms |
@Tom0267 | Flowers | The Lancashire red rose! |
@mavi0 | Binary Clock | The time but harder to read ⏰ |
@Tom0267 | Shapes | Randomly generated shapes. |
@pengzxD | Rainbow Donut | A classic donut animation with added 🏳️🌈✨ |
@etmuzzr | boids | Sparkley colourful boids! |
@moolordking | LavaLamp | Gentle moving shapes, akin to a Lava Lamp. |
@calmKyle | Heap Sort Visualiser | Heap sort algorithms visualiser |
@calmKyle | Gossip Distribution Visualiser | Gossip Distribution visualiser |
@tommmb | plasma | Combines multiple sine waves to create flowing patterns with rainbow colour effects |
Open a pull request with an edit to web/config/config.exs to add an override for your needs, and place the image in .png
format (or animated .gif
) in /web/priv/
Can't code? No problem, open an issue and a maintainer will help you.
Override | Schedule |
Pride Month | June Yearly |
Halloween | 31st October Yearly |
Bonfire Night | 5th November Yearly |
LU LGBT+ Society | Tuesday Evening 17:00 - 20:00 |
LU Hack Society | Friday Evening 17:00 - 19:00 |
Baby Loss Awareness Week (dates varies yearly) | Week 09/10/24 - 15/10/24 |
St Andrews Day | 30th November Yearly |
St Davids Day | 1st March Yearly |
Europe Day | 9th May Yearly |
Holocaust Awareness Week (dates vary yearly) | Week 23/01/24 - 28/01/24 |
Ukraine Flag | 23 - 24 Feb |