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SDOM stands for Static DOM, just like VirtualDOM, SDOM is a declarative way of describing GUIs. SDOM solves performance problems in VirtualDOM by sacrificing some expressiveness. Basically, only the attributes and the contents of Text nodes can change over time, the overall shape of DOM tree remains constant, thus Static DOM. The idea is by Phil Freeman see his post and purescript implementation.

Here is a pseudocode emphasising the difference between VirtualDOM and SDOM approach

type Model = { text: string; active: boolean };

// The whole tree is recomputed on each render
const virtualdom = (model: Model) => h.div({ class: ? 'active' : '' },

// Only the props and the text nodes are recomputed
const sdom = h.div({ class: model => ? 'active' : '' },
  h.span(model => model.text)


$ yarn add typescript-sdom

Simplest app


import * as sdom from '../../src';
const h = sdom.create<Date, never>();

const view = h.div(
  { style: `text-align: center` },
  h.h1('Local time', { style: date => `color: ` + colors[date.getSeconds() % 6] }),
  h.p(date => date.toString()),

const colors = ['#F44336', '#03A9F4', '#4CAF50', '#3F51B5', '#607D8B', '#FF5722'];
const model = { value: new Date() };
const el = view.create(sdom.observable.create(model), sdom.noop);
setInterval(tick, 1000);

function tick() {, new Date());


Simplified definitions of the main data types:

export type SDOM<Model, Msg, El> = {
  create(o: Observable<Model>, sink: Sink<Msg>): El;
export type Sink<T> = (x: T) => void;
export type Observable<T> = { subscribe: Subscribe<{ prev: T; next: T; }>>; getValue(): T; }; 
export type Subscribe<T> = (onNext: (x: T) => void, onComplete: () => void) => Unlisten;
export type Unlisten = () => void;
export type Subscription<T> = { onNext: (x: T) => void; onComplete: () => void; };
export type ObservableValue<T> = { value: T; subscriptions?: Subscription<{ prev: T; next: T }>>[]; };

SDOM<Model, Msg, El> describes a piece of UI that consumes data of type Model and produces events of type Msg also value of type El is the end-product of running SDOM component, in case of browser apps El is a subset of type Node (could be Text, HTMLDivElement etc), but the definition of SDOM is supposed to work in other settings as well by changing El parameter to the relevant type. The module src/observable.ts contains minimal implementation of subscription-based functionality for dealing with values that can change over time. Observable<T> and ObservableValue<T> are the most important definitions from that module. ObservableValue<T> is the source that contains changing value and Observable<T> provides interface for querying that value and also to setup notifications for future changes.


Simple app source | demo
Variants source | demo
TodoMVC source | demo



  • Similar approach for non-web GUIs (ReactNative, QTQuick)
  • Investigate the possibility of using generator-based effects in update e.g. redux-saga, add examples
  • Better API and docs for src/observable.ts
  • Add benchmarks
  • Improve performance for large arrays with

API reference


function h(name: string, Array<string | number | Props<unknown, unknown, unknown, HTMLElement> | SDOM<unknown, unknown, unknown, Node> | ((m: unknown) => string)>): SDOM<unknown, unknown, unknown, HTMLElement>;

An alias for elem. Also a namespace for the most common html tags and all public API. All functions exposed by h have their Model and Msg parameters bound, see docs for create, see also todomvc for usage examples

type SDOM

export type SDOM<In, Out, Msg, Elem extends Node = Node> = {
  create(model: Store<In>, sink: Sink<PrimMsg<In, Out, Msg, Elem>>): Elem;

SDOM<In, Out, Msg, Elem> constructor for dynamic Elem node


function create<In, Out, Msg>(): H<In, Out, Msg>;

Bind type parameters for h. This function does nothing at runtime and just returns h singleton which exposes all API with bound Model and Msg parameters. Without this typescript is not able to unify types if you use directly exported functions from the library. You dont need this in JS code.

 type Model = { counter: number };
 type Msg = 'Click';
 const h = sdom.create<In, Out, Msg>();
 const view = h.div(
     h.p(m => `You clicked ${m.counter} times`),
     h.button('Click here', { onclick: () => 'Click' }),
 const model = { value: { counter: 0 } };
 const el = view.create(, sdom.noop);
 assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], HTMLParagraphElement);
 assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[1], HTMLButtonElement);


function attach<Model, Msg, Elem extends Node>(view: SDOM<Model, Model, Msg, Elem>, rootEl: HTMLElement, init: Model, sink: Sink<Msg>): SDOMInstance<Model, Msg, Elem>;

Start the application and attach it to rootEl

const view = h.div(h.h1('Hello world!', { id: 'greeting' }));
const inst = sdom.attach(view, document.body, {});
assert.equal(document.getElementById('greeting').textContent, 'Hello world!');


function element<In, Out, Msg>(name: string, Array<Many<ElementContent<In, Out, Msg, HTMLElement>>>): SDOM<In, Out, Msg, HTMLElement>;

Create an html node. Attributes and contents can go in any order

const view = sdom.element('a', { href: '#link' });
const el = view.create({}), msg => {});
assert.instanceOf(el, HTMLAnchorElement);
assert.equal(el.hash, '#link');


function text<In, Out, Msg>(value: string | number | ((m: In) => string | number)): SDOM<In, Out, Msg, Text>;

Create Text node

const view = sdom.text(n => `You have ${n} unread messages`);
const model = { value: 0 };
const el = view.create(, sdom.noop);
assert.instanceOf(el, Text);
assert.equal(el.nodeValue, 'You have 0 unread messages');, 5);
assert.equal(el.nodeValue, 'You have 5 unread messages');


function array<In, Out, Msg, X>(lens: Lens<In, Out, Array<X>, Array<X>>, name: string, props?: Props<In, Out, Msg, HTMLElement>): (child: SDOM<Nested<In, X>, X, (idx: number) => Msg, Node>) => SDOM<In, Out, Msg, HTMLElement>;

Create an html node which content is a dynamic list of child nodes

const view = h.array('ul', { class: 'list' })(
  m => m.list,
  h => =>,
const list = ['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four'];
const el = view.create({ list }), msg => {});
assert.instanceOf(el, HTMLUListElement);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[3].innerHTML, 'Four');


function discriminate<In, Out, Msg, El extends Node, K extends string>(discriminator: (m: In) => K, alternatives: Record<K, SDOM<In, Out, Msg, El>>): SDOM<In, Out, Msg, El>;

Generic way to create SDOM which content depends on some condition on Model. First parameter checks this condition and returns the index that points to the current SDOM inside alternatives. This is useful for routing, tabs, etc. See also variants example with more convenient and more typesafe way of displaying union types

type Tab = 'Details'|'Comments';
type Model = { tab: Tab, details: string; comments: string[] };
const view = h.div(sdom.discriminate(m =>, {
    Details: h.p({ id: 'details' }, m => m.details),
    Comments: h.p({ id: 'comments' }, m => m.comments.join(', ')),
const model = { value: { tab: 'Details', details: 'This product is awesome', comments: [`No it's not`] } };
const el = view.create(, sdom.noop);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].id, 'details'); 
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].textContent, 'This product is awesome');, { ...model.value, tab: 'Comments' });
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].id, 'comments');


function dimap<In1, Out1, In2, Out2>(coproj: (m: In2) => In1, proj: (m: Out1) => Out2): <Msg, Elem extends Node>(s: SDOM<In1, Out1, Msg, Elem>) => SDOM<In2, Out2, Msg, Elem>;

Change both type parameters inside SDOM<Model, Msg>.

type Model1 = { btnTitle: string };
type Msg1 = { tag: 'Clicked' };
type Model2 = string;
type Msg2 = 'Clicked';
let latestMsg: any = void 0;
const view01 = sdom.elem<Model2, Msg2>('button', (m: Model2) => m, { onclick: () => 'Clicked'});
const view02 = sdom.dimap<Model1, Msg1, Model2, Msg2>(m => m.btnTitle, msg2 => ({ tag: 'Clicked' }))(view01);
const el = view02.create(sdom.observable.of({ btnTitle: 'Click on me' }), msg => (latestMsg = msg));;
assert.instanceOf(el, HTMLButtonElement);
assert.equal(el.textContent, 'Click on me');
assert.deepEqual(latestMsg, { tag: 'Clicked' });