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Kyma Companion


REUSE status


Kyma Companion provides in-app context-sensitive help and general assistance to Kyma users.


Required software:

Manage Dependencies

We use Poetry to manage dependencies in the project. Here's a quick guide on how to add, remove, and update dependencies using Poetry.

Add and Update Dependencies

To install all the dependencies listed in the pyproject.toml file, use the following command:

poetry install

To update a specific dependency to its latest version, use the poetry update command followed by the name of the package:

poetry update {package_name}

To add a new dependency to your project, use the poetry add command followed by the name of the package you want to add:

poetry add {package_name}

Or, with an exact version:

poetry add {package_name}@{version}

To remove a dependency from your project, you can use the poetry remove command followed by the name of the package:

poetry remove {package_name}

Create and Use Virtual Environments with Poetry

To create a virtual environment for the project, navigate to the project's root directory and run the following command:

poetry install

This creates a new virtual environment and installs the project's dependencies.

Activate the Virtual Environment

To use the virtual environment, follow this procedure.

[!NOTE] Run these commands in the root directory of your project, where the pyproject.toml file is located.

  1. Use poetry shell to start a new shell session with the virtual environment activated:

     poetry shell

    Now, you can run Python and any installed packages in this shell. They will use the virtual environment.

  2. Use poetry run to execute a command.

  3. Use the deactivate command to exit the virtual environment.

If you are a PyCharm user and want to use the virtual environment created by Poetry, follow the configuration guides.

Use Poe the Poet as Task Runner

Poe the Poet is a task runner that simplifies running common tasks in a Python project.

To have the command available as poetry poe <command> (as seen in the following examples), install poe as a plugin to Poetry:

poetry self add 'poethepoet[poetry_plugin]'

If you don't install this plugin, you must run poe as a script within the Poetry environment using poetry run poe <command>.


Redis Server

Before running the application, you must provide the Redis server. It stores the conversation with a large language model (LLM). Therefore, provide REDIS_URL as an environment variable.

For details on how to create a Redis server, read Create Redis. For example, REDIS_URL="redis://{host or ip}:6379"

Running Kyma Companion Locally

You can execute the Kyma Companion locally using the FastAPI framework with the following command:

poetry run fastapi dev src/ --port 8000

Or, with a poe task:

$ poetry poe run-local

It is recommended to run Kyma Companion with Poetry because it activates and uses its virtual environment if not activated yet.

[!NOTE] You cannot run it with Python directly.


Because the companion uses the FastAPI framework, read the following documentation on how to debug the application with the respective IDE:


For local development, LLMs can be configured inside the config/models.json file.

Code Checks

To execute linting, formatting, and type checking using Ruff, Black, and mypy, respectively use the following command:

poetry poe codecheck

To fix linting and formatting issues, use the following command:

poetry poe codefix

Mypy does not support fixing issues automatically.


It is recommended to execute the Ruff linting check with the poe lint task with the following command:

poetry poe lint

Alternatively, you can also do it with ruff check directly, where Ruff may have a different version in a different virtual environment.

Linting errors can be fixed with the following command, which applies only the safe fixes by default:

poetry poe lint-fix


Use the command with caution, as it may change the code in an unexpected way.


To execute the Black formatting check with the poe format task, use the following command:

poetry poe format

You can fix formatting erros with the following command:

poetry poe format-fix

Type Checking

To execute type checking with mypy, use the following command:

poetry poe typecheck

Mypy does not support fixing issues automatically.


The tests written in the pytest framework can be executed with the following command:

poetry poe test

Or, with the following command:

poetry run pytest tests

Release Process

Release testing and release creation are two separate processes. For details about release testing, read the Contributor README file.


See the Contributing Rules.

Code of Conduct

See the Code of Conduct document.


See the license file.