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Command List

Kyllian edited this page Apr 20, 2023 · 26 revisions

NOTE: πŸ”΄ denotes a required parameter, πŸ”΅ a optional one, πŸ”΄πŸ”΅ if atleast one with this indication is required but otherwise optional.

Bot Settings

Commands Description Permissions needed Parameters
/set_archive_role Sets the role which serves for having people see archived channels. Administrator πŸ”΄ role: The archive role in the server.
/set_log_channel Sets the channel which serves as a log for admins. Administrator πŸ”΄ channel: The channel in which reports are sent.
/rebuild_database Deletes the database of the bot entirely and rebuilds it. THIS ENTIRELY CLEARS THE DATABASE OF THE BOT SO IT MUST BE USED AS A LAST RESORT AND IF YOU HAVE A BACKUP Bot owner
/set_tracklist_channel Sets the channel in which tracklists will be sent. Administrator πŸ”΄ channel: The channel in which tracklists will be sent.
/toggle_moderation_log Toggles bans and timeouts showing up in the log channel (if set). Administrator

Music in Voice/Stage Channels

(You need to be in a voice channel to use most commands here)

Commands Description Parameters
/connect Connects to a voice channel.
/disconnect Disconnects the bot from the voice channel.
/play Plays a file or link in the voice channel you are currently in, or adds it to the queue if not. πŸ”΄πŸ”΅ attachment: File to upload.
πŸ”΄πŸ”΅ link: A link to an audio or video file. Needs to be an actual file, ie. not a YouTube video or a streaming service link.
πŸ”΅ verbose: Show all metadata when file is playing
πŸ”΅ tracklist: A .json attachment containing a tracklist (made on a specific website).
πŸ”΅ position: Sets which position in the queue you want to add that song.
/seek Sets the play position to the specified timestamp. πŸ”΄ timestamp: Play position (in seconds).
/pitch Changes the pitch of the song currently playing (experimental). πŸ”΄ pitch: Song pitch (between 0.5 and 2).
/pause Pauses the current playing file.
/resume Resumes the current playing file.
/skip Skips the file and goes to the next song in queue.
/stop Stops playing and clears the queue.
/song Gets info on a song. πŸ”΅ queue_position: Which song in the queue you want to get info for. Defaults to 0 if not indicated (for the currently playing song).
/queue Displays the queue of songs and loop setting. πŸ”΅ page: Page number of the queue. Defaults to first page.
/loop Changes the loop setting. πŸ”΄ queue_setting:
Disabled: Queue will not loop and will end after the last song is played.
Queue: Queue will loop.
Song: Current playing song will loop.
/shuffle Shuffles the queue.
/move Moves a song in queue to another position. πŸ”΄ song_position_before: Song you want to move.
πŸ”΄ song_position_after: Where in the queue you want to move that song.

Moderation & Server Settings

Commands Description Permissions needed Parameters
🚫 (reaction to a message) Reports the message to the log channel (if set, otherwise will show an error). None (for reporting messages)
Manage Messages (for reporting & deleting messages)
/rin_timeout Times out a member (for up to 28 days) and DMs them (or not). Timeout Members πŸ”΄ member: Member to be timed out.
πŸ”΄πŸ”΅ timeout_length_days: Length of the timeout in days (28 days max.)
πŸ”΄πŸ”΅ timeout_length_hours: Length of the timeout in hours.
πŸ”΄πŸ”΅ timeout_length_minutes: Length of the timeout in minutes
πŸ”΅ reason: Reason for timing out the user. This is the one that will be displayed in the Audit Log but also DM'd to the member if dm is at True. By default no reason.
πŸ”΅ dm: Sets if the user will be DM'd about the time out. False by default.
/rin_kick Kicks a member and DMs them (or not). Kick Members πŸ”΄ member: Member to be kicked.
πŸ”΅ reason: Reason for kicking the user. This is the one that will be displayed in the Audit Log but also DM'd to the member if dm is at True. By default no reason.
πŸ”΅ dm: Sets if the user will be DM'd about the kick. False by default.
/rin_ban Bans a member and DMs them (or not). Ban Members πŸ”΄ member: Member to be banned.
πŸ”΅ delete_message_days: Sets that messages less than x days will be deleted. By default 0 (none), max. 7.
πŸ”΅ reason: Reason for banning the user. This is the one that will be displayed in the Audit Log but also DM'd to the member if dm is at True. By default no reason.
πŸ”΅dm: Sets if the user will be DM'd about the kick. False by default.
/archive Archives the channel this command is executed from, setting the appropriate permissions and moving it to the category of your choice (if role is set, otherwise will display an error). Manage Channels πŸ”΄ category: Sets the category in which the channel will be moved to (at the top).
/unarchive Unarchives the channel this command is executed from, removing the archive role permissions and making it available to everyone again (if role is set, otherwise will display an error). Manage Channels πŸ”΄ category: Sets the category in which the channel will be moved to (at the bottom).
/rename_channel Renames the selected channel, or the channel you're in if none is selected. Manage channels πŸ”΅ text_channel: The channel you want to rename.
πŸ”΄ channel_name: The new channel name.


Commands Description Permissions needed Parameters
/fiftyfifty Randomly chooses between 'Yes' or 'No', with an exact 50% probabilty on each side.
/roll Rolls a dice (1d6 by default). πŸ”΅ number_of_dices: Number of dices that will be thrown. By default 1, min. 1, max. 100.
πŸ”΅ number_of_sides: Number of sides each dice will have. By default 6, min. 1, max. 100.
/october18 Displays Rin's dad message to her.
/irene Displays a cute picture (requested by
!!say Makes the bot say anything. Administrator
!!saytts Makes the bot say anything (but with text-to-speech). Administrator

Song Presence/Library

Commands Description Permissions needed Parameters
/add_song_to_presence_queue Adds a song in the presence queue for Rin to listen to. Limited to 3 tracks per user, and max. 15 minutes long tracks. πŸ”΄ url: URL of the song (Spotify only, single tracks only. No full albums or playlists links)
/check_song_presence Displays the queued songs for display on presence. Administrator πŸ”΅ archive: Shows the list of songs that were already played by the bot. False by default.
/delete_song_from_presence_queue Removes a song from the queue. Administrator πŸ”΄ id: Song ID to be removed (the song number when you do /check_presence_queue).
/rebuild_song_library Deletes the entire song library and rebuilds it (including the user submitted one). Administrator


Commands Description
/info Displays the bot info.
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