Web-application "Sign-language-classification" is buit for ITS307 Data Analytics group project by Sign-Team. This application is built to utilize data analytics and machine learning tools to extract features, pre-process, clean, analyze, interpret and visualize from online available structured datasets to derive a conclusion regarding the information they hold and predict the future.
- Poor communication between normal people and people who have disability in hearing and listening
- Poor communication among people who are disable in hearing and listening
- No accuratre system for detection of sign language
Sign-language-classification-web-application allows users to upload the pictures of sign-langauge and it will predict and classify the sign-languages
Note: This web-application is trained to classify following sign-langauges
- Like
- Dislike
- live long
- Love
- Peace
- Okey
Click here to visit our Web-Application
Application is built using Python,HTML/CSS/JS,Bootstrap