Coda.Payroll is a .NET Standard version of HMRC-compliant PAYE, National Insurance, and related calculators. Core components for building payroll services.
Formerly Cedita.Payroll, now operated and managed by Coda Technology, an innovative payroll solutions company.
Version 2 comes with a revised API meaning there's less wiring up to do, and is also DI first (whilst retaining ease to wire up manually).
To get started, install from NuGet:
Install-Package Coda.Payroll
If you're using ASP.NET Core (or any IServiceCollection
compatible DI library), just call:
To calculate both PAYE Tax and National Insurance in a few lines of code using the V2 Payroll Calculation API, let's take a look at a basic example:
// ctor
..(IPayrollCalculatorFactory payrollCalculatorFactory)
payrollCalculator = payrollCalculatorFactory.CreatePayrollCalculator(2018);
// implementation
var calcRequest = new PayrollCalculationRequest
PayFrequency = PayPeriods.Weekly,
PayPeriod = 3,
TaxCode = TaxCode.Parse("1185L"),
IsWeek1Month1 = true,
TaxableGross = 500,
NiableGross = 500
var result = payrollCalculator.Calculate(calcRequest);
// Tax - result.Paye.Tax
// NI - result.NationalInsurance.NetNi
// Ee NI result.NationalInsurance.EmployeeNi
// Er NI result.NationalInsurance.EmployerNi
Of course, you can also continue to calculate individually not unlike the V1 API, it just takes a little bit less wiring up.
To calculate the tax due for any specific period would take 2 lines of code once wired up and injected via your DI container (see above for single line).
// Where DI is used
public decimal CalculateTax(IPayeCalculationEngineFactory payeFactory)
var payeEngine = payeFactory.CreatePayeCalculationEngine(2018); // Specify tax year
var taxDueInPeriod = payeEngine.CalculateTaxDueForPeriod("1185L", 5000, PayPeriods.Monthly, 1);
// ..