🌱 I'm currently learning Kotlin and Android
🌱 Interested in Mobile UI Design
🌱 I'm currently learning Kotlin and Android
🌱 Interested in Mobile UI Design
A Multi-Module Android app built using with Jetpack Compose, Clean Architecture + MVVM, Flow, Hilt, WorkManager, Firebase, Room, DataStore, Retrofit, Coroutines, Navigation Compose
An android library that provides animated alerts for monitoring and displaying changes in internet connectivity status
Bootcamp Capstone Project - MVVM with Clean Achitecture, Hilt , Coroutines,Room, Retrofit, ViewPager2, DataBinding, LiveData, Glide, Lottie
Kotlin 7
A circular chart example designed for crypto wallets, cryptocurrency exchanges, and banking application
An Android library to show animated message bar
Kotlin 1