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[ICLR 2022] GNN is a Counter? Revisiting GNN for Question Answering


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Graph Soft Counter

This repo contains PyTorch implementation for paper: GNN is a Counter? Revisiting GNN for Question Answering (ICLR 2022).

author = {Wang, Kuan and Zhang, Yuyu and Yang, Diyi and Song, Le and Qin, Tao},
title = {GNN is a Counter? Revisiting GNN for Question Answering},
booktitle = {International conference on learning representations (ICLR), 2022},
year = {2022}


You can just run the bash file '' or run the following commands to create a conda environment:

conda create -n gsc python=3.9
source activate gsc
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
conda install pyg -c pyg
conda install transformers


We use the question answering datasets (CommonsenseQA, OpenBookQA) and the ConceptNet knowledge graph. We process the dataset following QA-GNN, and the preprocessing may take long. For your convenience, you can download all the processed data by


The resulting file structure will look like:

├── data/
    ├── cpnet/                 (prerocessed ConceptNet)
    ├── csqa/
        ├── train_rand_split.jsonl
        ├── dev_rand_split.jsonl
        ├── test_rand_split_no_answers.jsonl
        ├── statement/             (converted statements)
        ├── grounded/              (grounded entities)
        ├── graphs/                (extracted subgraphs)
        ├── ...
    └── obqa/

2. Train GSC

For CommonsenseQA, run


For OpenBookQA, run


As configured in these scripts, the model needs two types of input files

  • --{train,dev,test}_statements: preprocessed question statements in jsonl format. This is mainly loaded by load_input_tensors function in utils/
  • --{train,dev,test}_adj: information of the KG subgraph extracted for each question. This is mainly loaded by load_sparse_adj_data_with_contextnode function in utils/ load_sparse_adj_data_with_contextnode Note: We find that training for OpenBookQA is unstable (e.g. best dev accuracy varies when using different seeds, different versions of the transformers / torch-geometric libraries, etc.), likely because the dataset is small. We suggest trying out different seeds. Another potential way to stabilize training is to initialize the model with one of the successful checkpoints provided below, e.g. by adding an argument --load_model_path

3. Evaluate trained model

For CommonsenseQA, run


For OpenBookQA, run


Trained model examples


Trained model In-house Dev acc. In-house Test acc.
RoBERTa-large + GSC [link] 0.7969 0.7478


Trained model Dev acc. Test acc.
RoBERTa-large + GSC [link] 0.6960 0.7060

Note: The models were trained and tested with HuggingFace transformers==2.0.1.


This repo is built upon the following works:

QA-GNN: Reasoning with Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Question Answering. Michihiro Yasunaga and Hongyu Ren and Antoine Bosselut and Percy Liang and Jure Leskovec. NAACL 2021.

Scalable Multi-Hop Relational Reasoning for Knowledge-Aware Question Answering. Yanlin Feng*, Xinyue Chen*, Bill Yuchen Lin, Peifeng Wang, Jun Yan and Xiang Ren. EMNLP 2020.

Many thanks to the authors and developers!


[ICLR 2022] GNN is a Counter? Revisiting GNN for Question Answering








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