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Plant git repo information in .NET assemblies

gitinfoplanter.exe automates the process of reading your git repo status and embedding it as an easy to use string in an assembly level attribute of your .NET executable.

Git Repo String

So how does a version string look?
The best way to answer this is to simply run the info planter with --version to see a sample:

$ ./daemaged.gitinfoplanter.exe --version
daemaged.gitinfoplanter version ""

The version string is the part that says:
but what does it really mean?

  • The first part, in this case, is really composed of two parts
  • The Assembly Version attribute value (This is the normal value that get included in every .NET AssemblyInfo.cs file, in this case
  • The build-day, expressed as number of days since a specified "epoch-day", 1/1/2000 by default, 4658 days in this case, any base date is really good here, as long as it's constant..., good options are your anniversary, birthday, child's birth-day, historical event or whatever :)
  • The second part is best described as the "what-to-checkout or clone" field... Normally it will be the branch name of the build, but it doesn't have to be: if the build was made of a valid tag release, it will contain the name of the tag... What makes a valid tag release?
    • The commit has to have a tag (duh)
    • The tag has to be pushed
    • There are no local modifications
    • The same commit is also pushed to the origin
  • Next we have the revision # which can be thought of as some incremental number that provides an SVN-esque revision #. In reality it's just a count of the commits in the current branch...
    However, this revision # may have appendages:
    • +N in case the local commit is ahead of the origin, and N denoted by how many local commits
    • The string "M" in case the build was done off of a repo with local modifications
  • Last but not least, the full commit hash is embedded as a string, for safe keeping

Where/How does this get embedded?

The git info planter uses cecil to re-write the assembly and embed two assembly level attributes:

  • [AssemblyFileVersionAttribute] will be embedded with the first part of the full string as it's value ( in the previous example)
  • [AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute] will be embedded with the full string as it's value

So, you can think of the resulting assemblly as-if someone went back to your code, and edited you AssemblyInfo.cs file from this:

using System.Reflection;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Daemaged.GitInfoPlanter")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Plant git information into .NET assemblies")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Damage INC.")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Daemaged.GitInfoPlanter")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright (C) Dan Shechter, Inc. 2010")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]

To this:

using System.Reflection;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Daemaged.GitInfoPlanter")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Plant git information into .NET assemblies")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Damage INC.")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Daemaged.GitInfoPlanter")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright (C) Dan Shechter, Inc. 2010")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("")]

Of course, no real changes to the code were actually made, however the resulting binary will contain the additional attributes

How do I retrieve these attributes at runtime?

Well, it's obviously a very idea to be able to actually read these things when displaying an about dialog, or when a --version option is perhaps specified of command-line...
It's a very simple chore to accomplish, in c# for example, all that one needs to do is:

var versionInfo = 
  asm.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute), false)
var versionString = 
  versionInfo == null ? 
   "No specific version info embedded" : 
Console.WriteLine("MyProduct - {0}", versionString);

OK, I'm sold, how do I put this in my build process?

Two ways:


The GitInfoPlanter nuget package (when installed with NuGet 2.5 and above) automatically hooks itself into the build process to plant the git information into the assembly. This is by far the easiest method to get started.

To install the package:

Right Click your project → Select Manage NuGet Packages → Select Online on the left pane → type gitinfoplanter into the search → select Install and you done!


The manual way would be to simply add it as an after build step in Visual Studio / MonoDevelop / MSBuild.

To do this you need to follow this "recipe":

  1. Get gitinfoplanter.exe and place somewhere in your project
  • The easiet method by far is to add "gitinfoplanter" through nuget
  • Next best way is to use the published latest gitinfoplanter.exe
  • If you really feel like it, clone the project/download the zip and compile it yourself
  1. Edit your .csproj file and add an <AfterBuild> target and the end of the file, a generic one would look like this:
  <Exec Command="$(ProjectDir)../packages/GitInfoPlanter.X.Y/tools/gitinfoplanter.exe --search-path &quot;$(TargetFrameworkDirectory)&quot; --basedate 2000-01-01 --repo $(ProjectDir) $(TargetPath) $(TargetPath)"/>
  • The search-path option makes sure you will automatically that the assembly re-writing will take into account the correct framework assemblies
    This is obviously important for makeing sure that the resulting assembly will still function as intended
  • The basedate is up tothe user to set as some arbitrary date to use as a starting point for the build-day number
  • repo just point to anywhere inside the project
  • The last two parameters are the input and output executables, in this case the same path is used to overwrite the original assembly


Plant Git Information into .NET Assemblies using Mono.Cecil







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