A collection of my personal configuration for system elements and my software of choice, meant to be added as a submodule under development repos. Windows machines need to have git configured in order to be able to handle symlinks!
For development and common standards symlink to the root of your repo the following files:
- .editorconfig
- .gitignore
- .Directory.Build.props
- .Directory.Build.targets
Additionally, symlink Resharper.sln.DotSettings next to your solution file, and replace Resharper on the link target filename with the name of your solution file.
In order to avoid duplicate PackageReference definitions and unpredictable behavior, the following nugets should be handled by Directory.Build.props only:
- coverlet.collector
- coverlet.msbuild
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers
- Microsoft.SourceLink.Bitbucket.Git
- Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub
- Microsoft.SourceLink.GitLab
- SerilogAnalyzer
- SmartanAlyzers.ExceptionAnalyzer
- SmartAnalyzers.MultithreadingAnalyzer
- StyleCop.Analyzers
To update them, tick their version numbers in the Directory.Build.props file and reload the solution.
The azure-pipelines-dotnet.yml file is preconfigured for dotnet projects with the following services:
- SonarCloud
- Coveralls
- CodeCov
- Nuget.org publishing
In order to make it work, copy it to the root of your project as azure-pipelines.yml
, replace the value of SONAR_PROJECT
at the pipeline variables section and make sure your pipeline has the following variables set on the DevOps portal:
- GitHubApiKey: GitHub access token
- SonarCloudOrganization: SonarCloud organization
- SonarCloudApiKey: SonarCloud token
- SonarCloudHost: SonarCloud host url
- BuildConfiguration: Dotnet Configuration
- NUGET_PACKAGES: if using cache, default is '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/.nuget/packages'
- Symlink .vscode/tasks-*.json of your choice as .vscode/tasks.json
- Symlink Dotnet.code-workspace to the root of your repo
- Centralized .gitignore for .Net environment
- Common editor settings (for EditorConfig compatible editors)
- Simpler Internals Visible To via csproj properties
- Automatic packing disabled for tests, web projects, services etc
- Automatic addition of stylecop, stylecop configuration and roslyn ruleset on all .net projects under repo
- Embedded Github/Gitlab sourcelink for packable projects under repo
- Resharper configuration that follows stylecop/ruleset configuration
- Fancy xUnit test naming