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[ECCVW 2022] Universal, Transferable Adversarial Perturbations for Visual Object Trackers

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This is an official release of the paper Universal, Transferable Adversarial Perturbations for Visual Object Trackers accepted at Adversarial Robustness Workshop, ECCV 2022. images

Abstract. In recent years, Siamese networks have led to great progress in visual object tracking. While these methods were shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, the existing attack strategies do not truly pose great practical threats. They either are too expensive to be performed online, require computing image-dependent perturbations, lead to unrealistic trajectories, or suffer from weak transferability to other black-box trackers. In this paper, we address the above limitations by showing the existence of a universal perturbation that is image agnostic and fools black-box trackers at virtually no cost of perturbation. Furthermore, we show that our framework can be extended to the challenging targeted attack setting that forces the tracker to follow any given trajectory by using diverse directional universal perturbations. At the core of our framework, we propose to learn to generate a single perturbation from the object template only, that can be added to every search image and still successfully fool the tracker for the entire video. As a consequence, the resulting generator outputs perturbations that are quasi-independent of the template, thereby making them universal perturbations. Our extensive experiments on four benchmarks datasets, i.e., OTB100, VOT2019, UAV123, and LaSOT, demonstrate that our universal transferable per- turbations (computed on SiamRPN++) are highly effective when transferred to other state-of-the-art trackers, such as SiamBAN, SiamCAR, DiMP, and Ocean online.


  1. It is tested with the following packages and hardware:

      PyTorch: 1.5.0
      Python: 3.6.9
      Torchvision: 0.6.0
      CUDA: 10.1
      CUDNN: 7603
      NumPy: 1.18.1
      PIL: 7.0.0
      GPU: Tesla V100-SXM2-32GB
  2. Download source code from GitHub

     git clone

Setting the datasets and tracker checkpoints

  1. Please download the weights of different trackers on GoogleDrive. These are taken from the original repositories of the respective papers. Place the downloaded tracker_weights folder in the root folder

  2. Create a folder named testing_dataset in the root folder and place all the datasets such as OTB100, VOT2018, UAV123, LASOT inside it.The dataset should be organized as:

     ├── OTB100
     ├── VOT2018
     ├── UAV123
     ├── lasot
  3. We release the pretrained perturbation generators against SiamRPN++ (R) on GoogleDrive to reproduce the main results of the paper. Please place the checkpoints folder inside the ./SiamRPNpp/ folder.

  4. Further, please download the targted attack trajectories GoogleDrive. These are created by either fixed offset from clean trajectory or fixed direction from initial position. Place the downloaded targeted_attacks_GT folder in the root folder

Untargeted attack on SiamRPN++ (M)

  1. Enter the directory of SiamRPNpp tracker by cd SiamRPNpp

  2. Set all environmental paths and other packages in path by source

  3. For attacking SiamRPN++ (M) tracker using the generator trained on SiamRPN++ (R) as discriminator and GOT10K dataset:

     cd pysot/tools
     # universal attack (Ours) on  OTB100 with  SiamRPN++ (M) tracker
     python   --tracker_name=siamrpn_mobilev2_l234_dwxcorr --dataset=OTB100 --case=1 --gpu=1 --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --attack_universal
     # template dependent attack (Ours (TD)) on  OTB100 with  SiamRPN++ (M) tracker
     python   --tracker_name=siamrpn_mobilev2_l234_dwxcorr --dataset=OTB100 --case=1 --gpu=1 --model_iter=4_net_G.pth

Results on SiamRPN++ (M) tracker

  1. We observe the following results as in Table 1.
    Method Success Precision
    Normal 0.657 0.862
    Ours (TD) 0.217 0.281
    Ours 0.212 0.275

Untargeted attack on SiamBAN

  1. Enter the directory of SiamBAN tracker by cd SiamBAN

  2. Set all environmental paths and other packages in path by source

  3. For attacking SiamBAN tracker using the generator trained on SiamRPN++ (R) as discriminator and GOT10K dataset:

     # universal attack (Ours)  on  OTB100 with SiamBAN tracker
     cd experiments/siamban_r50_l234_otb
     python -u ../../tools/ --snapshot ../../../tracker_weights/siamban_r50_l234_otb/model.pth  --dataset OTB100 --config ../../../tracker_weights/siamban_r50_l234_otb/config.yaml  --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --case=1 --eps=8  --attack_universal
     # template dependent attack (Ours (TD))  on  OTB100 with SiamBAN tracker
     cd experiments/siamban_r50_l234_otb
     python -u ../../tools/ --snapshot ../../../tracker_weights/siamban_r50_l234_otb/model.pth  --dataset OTB100 --config ../../../tracker_weights/siamban_r50_l234_otb/config.yaml  --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --case=1 --eps=8

Untargeted attack on SiamCAR

  1. Enter the directory of SiamCAR tracker by cd SiamCAR

  2. Set all environmental paths and other packages in path by source

  3. For attacking SiamCAR tracker using the generator trained on SiamRPN++ (R) as discriminator and GOT10K dataset:

     cd tools
     # universal attack (Ours) on  OTB100 with SiamCAR tracker
     python  --dataset OTB100  --snapshot ../../tracker_weights/siamcar_general/model_general.pth   --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --case=1 --eps=8  --attack_universal
     # template dependent attack (Ours (TD)) on  OTB100 with SiamCAR tracker
     python  --dataset OTB100  --snapshot ../../tracker_weights/siamcar_general/model_general.pth   --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --case=1 --eps=8

Untargeted attack on Ocean (Online)

  1. Enter the directory of Ocean tracker by cd Ocean

  2. Set all environmental paths and other packages in path by source

  3. For attacking Ocean (online) tracker using the generator trained on SiamRPN++ (R) as discriminator and GOT10K dataset:

     cd tools
     # universal attack (Ours) on  OTB100 with Ocean tracker
     python --dataset=OTB100  --tracker_name=siam_ocean_online --case=1  --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --gpu=0  --attack_universal
     # template dependent attack (Ours (TD)) on  OTB100 with Ocean tracker
     python --dataset=OTB100  --tracker_name=siam_ocean_online --case=1  --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --gpu=0

Targeted attack on SiamRPN++ (M)

  1. Enter the directory of SiamRPNpp tracker by cd SiamRPNpp

  2. Set all environmental paths and other packages in path by source

  3. For attacking SiamRPN++ (M) tracker with trajcase argument set to SouthEast (SE) direction i.e., target trajectory at an offset of (+80, +80) pixels of the predicted trajectory on clean samples. Other options for trajcase argument is SW, NE, NW.

     cd pysot/tools
     python --tracker_name=siamrpn_mobilev2_l234_dwxcorr --dataset=OTB100 --case=2 --gpu=1 --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --trajcase=SE  --attack_universal
  4. For attacking SiamRPN++ (M) tracker using the generator trained on SiamRPN++ (R) as discriminator and GOT10K dataset with trajcase set D45 direction i.e., target trajectory is at an angle of 45 degrees fixed direction. Other options for trajcase argument is D135, D225, D315.

     cd pysot/tools
     python --tracker_name=siamrpn_mobilev2_l234_dwxcorr --dataset=OTB100 --case=2 --gpu=1 --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --trajcase=D45  --attack_universal

Targeted attack on SiamBAN

  1. Enter the directory of SiamBAN tracker by cd SiamBAN

  2. Set all environmental paths and other packages in path by source

  3. For attacking SiamBAN tracker with trajcase argument set to SouthEast (SE) direction i.e., target trajectory at an offset of (+80, +80) pixels of the predicted trajectory on clean samples. Other options for trajcase argument is SW, NE, NW.

  cd experiments/siamban_r50_l234_otb
  python -u ../../tools/ --snapshot ../../../tracker_weights/siamban_r50_l234_otb/model.pth  --dataset OTB100 --config ../../../tracker_weights/siamban_r50_l234_otb/config.yaml  --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --case=2 --eps=16  --trajcase=NE   --attack_universal --istargeted
  1. For attacking SiamRPN++ (M) tracker with trajcase set D45 direction i.e., target trajectory is at an angle of 45 degrees fixed direction. Other options for trajcase argument is D135, D225, D315.

     cd experiments/siamban_r50_l234_otb
     python -u ../../tools/ --snapshot ../../../tracker_weights/siamban_r50_l234_otb/model.pth  --dataset OTB100 --config ../../../tracker_weights/siamban_r50_l234_otb/config.yaml  --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --case=2 --eps=16  --trajcase=D45   --attack_universal --istargeted

Targeted attack on SiamCAR

  1. Enter the directory of SiamCAR tracker by cd SiamBAN

  2. Set all environmental paths and other packages in path by source

  3. For attacking SiamCAR tracker with trajcase argument set to SouthEast (SE) direction i.e., target trajectory at an offset of (+80, +80) pixels of the predicted trajectory on clean samples. Other options for trajcase argument is SW, NE, NW.

  cd tools
  python  --dataset OTB100  --snapshot ../../tracker_weights/siamcar_general/model_general.pth   --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --case=2 --eps=16 --attack_universal --trajcase=SE
  1. For attacking SiamCAR tracker with trajcase set D45 direction i.e., target trajectory is at an angle of 45 degrees fixed direction. Other options for trajcase argument is D135, D225, D315.

     cd tools
     python  --dataset OTB100  --snapshot ../../tracker_weights/siamcar_general/model_general.pth   --model_iter=4_net_G.pth --case=2 --eps=16 --attack_universal --trajcase=D45

Targeted attack on Ocean

  1. Enter the directory of Ocean tracker by cd SiamBAN

  2. Set all environmental paths and other packages in path by source

  3. For attacking Ocean tracker with trajcase argument set to SouthEast (SE) direction i.e., target trajectory at an offset of (+80, +80) pixels of the predicted trajectory on clean samples. Other options for trajcase argument is SW, NE, NW.

  cd pysot/tools
  python  --tracker_name=siam_ocean_online --dataset=OTB100 --case=2 --gpu=1 --model_iter=4_net_G.pth  --trajcase=SE  --attack_universal
  1. For attacking Ocean tracker with trajcase set D45 direction i.e., target trajectory is at an angle of 45 degrees fixed direction. Other options for trajcase argument is D135, D225, D315.

     cd pysot/tools
     python  --tracker_name=siam_ocean_online --dataset=OTB100 --case=2 --gpu=1 --model_iter=4_net_G.pth  --trajcase=D45  --attack_universal


    title={Universal, Transferable Adversarial Perturbations for Visual Object Trackers},
    author={Krishna Kanth Nakka and Mathieu Salzmann},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the Adversarial Robustness Workshop, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2022},


[ECCVW 2022] Universal, Transferable Adversarial Perturbations for Visual Object Trackers







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