Modern project manager for software development.
Firstly, you need to download Kreta's dependencies using Composer.
$ composer install
This project is completely tested by full-stack BDD methodology.
For testing PHPSpec and Behat are used.
To run PHPSpec type the following
$ bin/phpspec run -fpretty
This repository is not a standalone and usable application so, you cannot execute Behat scenarios; to do this you should use the development repository of Kreta that is a complete Symfony application.
The best practices of Kreta says that the recommend way to contribute to the project is using the development repository but anyway, if the PR or issue is simple you can contribute directly in this repository following this rules:
This projects follows PHP coding standards, so pull requests must pass PHP Code Sniffer and PHP Mess Detector checks. In the root directory of this project you have the custom rulesets (ruleset.xml for PHPCS and phpmd.xml for PHPMD).
There is also a policy for contributing to this project. Pull requests must be explained step by step to make the review process easy in order to accept and merge them. New methods or code improvements must come paired with PHPSpec tests.
If you would like to contribute it is a good point to follow Symfony contribution standards, so please read the Contributing Code in the project documentation. If you are submitting a pull request, please follow the guidelines in the Submitting a Patch section and use the Pull Request Template.
If you have any doubt or maybe you want to share some opinion, you can use our Gitter chat.
Kreta is created by:
@benatespina -
@gorkalaucirica -