pupil is a server that is made useful by how it uses the morsel & memento libraries.
pupil can be used to create HLS streams from Audio & Video packets.
It does so by using the morsel library.
It uploads those HLS streams to the cloud.
It also creates jpeg thumbnails of the stream at set keyframe intervals.
This is accomplished by using the memento library (a very thin wrapper around libavcodec for h264 decompression)
If building with memento support the following dependencies need to be installed.
- libavcodec (57.107.100)
- libavutil (55.78.100)
- libswscale (4.8.100)
- libswresample (2.9.100)
All of the above packages are available in ffmpeg release 3.4.1
pupil can be configured via a config file or environment variables.
Properties that need to be configured are:
The port the server will run onroot
The directory that pupil will create subdirectories in for writing media fileshost
The hostname for the API that publishes content (coming soon...)bucket
The bucket that media files should be uploaded tokeyID
The AWS key ID to use when uploading to the bucketkeySecret
The AWS key secret to use when uploading to the bucketthumbnailInterval
How many key frames to count before creating a jpeg thumbnail of the stream
By default pupil's port
will be set to 42000
It will treat the current working directory as it's root
It will create a jpeg thumbnail every 30
The project contains an example.conf
file demonstrating how to set server values.
If you wish to use a config file you have two options.
- Have a file called config.json current working directory
- Specify the path to the config file with a command line flag.
An example of using a file at a specific path:
pupil -c /path/to/config.json
You can set environment variables to configure pupil.
Just run pupil normally and it will detect them.
This makes working with things like Docker or OpsWorks very easy.
Below are a list of the environment variables you should set:
These should all be fairly self explanatory.
- In future releases, memento support should become a build time option, so the ffmpeg libs won't be a hard requirement.
- Pluggable support for different cloud providers.