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A directindustry web guide system developed based on Laravel


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Laravel Costar

A Directindustry Web Guide System developed based on Laravel

Laravel Costar is a simple starter Directindustry Web Guide System based on Laravel 10.x. Most of the commonly needed features of an application like Authentication, Authorisation, User and Role management, Application Backend, Backup, Log viewer are available here. It is modular, so you may use this project as a base and build your own modules. A module can be used in any Laravel Costar based projects.


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preview Image

Core Features

  • User Authentication

  • User Profile with Avatar

    • Separate User Profile table
  • Role-Permissions for Users

  • Dynamic Menu System

  • Language Switcher

  • Localization enabled across the project

  • Backend Theme

    • Bootstrap 5, CoreUI
    • Fontawesome 6
  • Frontend Theme

    • Tailwind
    • Fontawesome 6
  • Page Module

  • Article Module

    • Posts
    • Categories
    • Tags
    • Comments
    • wysiwyg editor
    • File browser
  • Application Settings

  • External Libraries

    • Bootstrap 5
    • Fontawesome 6
    • CoreUI
    • Tailwind
    • Datatables
    • Select2
    • Date Time Picker
  • Backup (Source, Files, Database as Zip)

  • Log Viewer

  • Notification

    • Dashboard and details view

How to start

Server Requirements

  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Mysql >= 5.7.8
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • DOM PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PCRE PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

Web UI Installation

This laravel-cms-stater allows users who don't use Composer, SSH etc to install your application just by following the setup wizard. The current features are :

  • Check For Server Requirements.
  • Check For Folders Permissions.
  • Ability to set database information.
    • env text editor
    • env form wizard
  • Migrate The Database.
  • Seed The Tables.
  1. Clone or download the repository
  2. Go to the project directory and run composer install
  3. visit http://your-site.domain/install

Classic Installation

Follow the steps mentioned below to install and run the project. You may find more details about the installation in Installation Wiki.

  1. Clone or download the repository
  2. Go to the project directory and run composer install
  3. Create .env file by copying the .env.example. You may use the command to do that cp .env.example .env
  4. Update the database name and credentials in .env file
  5. Run the command to generate application key php artisan key:generate
  6. Run the command php artisan migrate --seed
  7. Link storage directory: php artisan storage:link
  8. You may create a virtualhost entry to access the application or run php artisan serve from the project root and visit

After creating the new permissions use the following commands to update cashed permissions.

php artisan cache:forget spatie.permission.cache

Docker and Laravel Sail

This project is configured with Laravel Sail ( You can use all the docker functionalities here. To install using docker and sail:

  1. Clone or download the repository
  2. Go to the project directory and run composer install
  3. Create .env file by copying the .env-sail. You may use the command to do that cp .env-sail .env
  4. Update the database name and credentials in .env file
  5. Run the command sail up (consider adding this to your alias: alias sail='[ -f sail ] && sh sail || sh vendor/bin/sail')
  6. Run the command sail artisan migrate --seed
  7. Link storage directory: sail artisan storage:link
  8. Since Sail is already up, you can just visit http://localhost:80


FontAwesome & CoreUI Icons, two different font icon library is installed for the Backend theme and only FontAwesome for the Frontend. For both of the cases, we used the free version. You may install the pro version separately for your project.

admin dashborad login

Login Now by giving this data

Username: [email protected]
Password: password

Username: [email protected]
Password: password

Username: [email protected]
Password: password

Username: [email protected]
Password: password

Username: [email protected]
Password: password

You can find it in database/seeders/Auth/UserTableSeeder.php

Role - Permissions

Several custom commands are available to add and update role-permissions. Please read the Role - Permission Wiki page, where you will find the list of commands with examples.

Demo Data

If you want to test the application on your local machine with additional demo data you may use the following command.

php artisan costar:insert-demo-data --fresh

There are options to truncate the posts, categories, tags, and comments tables and insert new demo data.

--fresh option will truncate the tables, without this command new set of data will be inserted.

php artisan costar:insert-demo-data --fresh

Custom Commands

We have created a number of custom commands for the project. The commands are listed below with a brief about their use of it.

Clear All Cache

composer clear-all

this is a shortcut command clear all cache including config, route, and more

Code Style Fix

We are now using Laravel Pint to make the code style stays clean and consistent as the Laravel Framework. Use the following command to apply CS-Fix.

composer pint

Module Manager & Generator

Create New module

To create a project use the following command, you have repalce the MODULE_NAME with the name of the module.

php artisan module:build MODULE_NAME

You may want to use --force option to overwrite the existing module. if you use this option, it will replace all the exisitng files with the defalut stub files.

php artisan module:build MODULE_NAME --force

After creating the new moudle use the following commands to to run your database migrations.

php artisan migrate


composer test


A directindustry web guide system developed based on Laravel




Apache-2.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

Licenses found






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