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Releases: kongxinchi/jorker

v1.1.1 - Fix bugs

13 Jul 03:37
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  1. Fixbug: after call fun, code execute more than one time. 修复在调用run函数之后,的代码会执行多遍的BUG。

v1.1 - Change entrance class name.

14 May 14:29
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  1. Change entrance class name JobForkerManager to JobForker. 将入口类名更改为了JobForker
  2. Add some comment. 添加了些许注释

v1.0 - Have fun!

11 May 03:40
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  1. Execute script with multi process. 脚本多进程执行
  2. Continue last job which last time stopped. 支持中断续运行
  3. Memory overload protection. 内存过载保护
  4. Timing report progress. 定时报告进度
  5. Highly configurable. 高度可配置