基于RxJava2+Retrofit 2.9.0+OkHttp 4.9.0实现的轻量级,完美兼容MVVM架构的网络请求封装类库,小巧精致,简单易用,网络请求原来如此简单:smirk::smirk::smirk:
- 在项目根目录的build.gradle文件中添加:
allprojects {
repositories {
- 在具体Module的build.gradle文件中添加:
implementation 'io.github.kongpf8848:RxHttp:1.0.12'
* 失败重试次数
* 每次失败重试间隔时间
* Https证书校验,单向校验,即客户端校验服务端证书,null则为不校验
* 设置OkHttpClient.Builder(),RxHttp支持自定义OkHttpClient.Builder()
.getBuilder().apply {
connectTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
readTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
writeTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
* DEBUG模式下,添加日志拦截器,建议使用RxHttp中的FixHttpLoggingInterceptor,使用OkHttp的HttpLoggingInterceptor在上传下载的时候会有IOException问题
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
addInterceptor(FixHttpLoggingInterceptor().apply {
level = FixHttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY
* get:请求类型,可为get,post,put,delete,upload,分别对应GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/上传请求
* context:上下文,可为Context,Activity或Fragment类型,当context为Activity或Fragment时网络请求和生命周期绑定
* 请求url,如https://www.baidu.com
*请求参数键值对,类型为Map<String, Any?>?,如hashMapOf("name" to "jack")
* HttpCallback:网络回调,参数xxx为返回数据对应的数据模型,
* 类似RxJava中的Observer,onComplete只有在onNext回调之后执行,如发生错误则只会回调onError而不会执行onComplete
.enqueue(object : HttpCallback<xxx>() {
* http请求开始时回调
override fun onStart() {
* http请求成功时回调
override fun onNext(response: xxx?) {
* http请求失败时回调
override fun onError(e: Throwable?) {
* http请求成功完成时回调
override fun onComplete() {
* 上传进度回调,请求类型为upload时才会回调
override fun onProgress(readBytes: Long, totalBytes: Long) {
- 下载请求
* download:请求类型,下载请求
* context:上下文,如不需要和生命周期绑定,应该传递applicationContext
* 保存路径
* 是否为断点下载,默认为false
* 下载地址,如http://study.163.com/pub/ucmooc/ucmooc-android-official.apk
* 请求Tag
* 下载回调
.enqueue(object: DownloadCallback() {
* 下载开始时回调
override fun onStart() {
* 下载完成时回调
override fun onNext(response: DownloadInfo?) {
* 下载失败时回调
override fun onError(e: Throwable?) {
* 下载完成之后回调
override fun onComplete() {
* 下载进度回调
override fun onProgress(readBytes: Long, totalBytes: Long) {
- 取消请求
* tag:Any?,请求Tag,对应网络请求里的Tag值
* 如不为null,则取消指定网络请求,
* 如为null,则取消所有网络请求
此处假设服务端返回的数据格式为{"code":xxx,"data":T,"msg":""},其中code为响应码,整型,等于200时为成功,其余为失败,data对应的数据类型为泛型(boolean,int,double,String,对象{ },数组[ ]等类型)
"code": 200,
"msg": ""
class TKResponse<T>(val code:Int,val msg: String?, val data: T?) : Serializable {
companion object{
const val STATUS_OK=200
fun isSuccess():Boolean{
return code== STATUS_OK
- 定义MVCHttpCallback,用于将网络请求结果回调给UI界面
abstract class MVCHttpCallback<T> { private val type: Type init { val arg = TypeUtil.getType(javaClass) type = TypeBuilder .newInstance(TKResponse::class.java) .addTypeParam(arg) .build() } fun getType(): Type { return this.type } /** * 请求开始时回调,可以在此加载loading对话框等,默认为空实现 */ open fun onStart() {} /** * 抽象方法,请求成功回调,返回内容为泛型,对应TKResponse的data */ abstract fun onSuccess(result: T?) /** * 抽象方法,请求失败回调,返回内容为code(错误码),msg(错误信息) */ abstract fun onFailure(code: Int, msg: String?) /** * 上传进度回调,默认为空实现 */ open fun onProgress(readBytes: Long, totalBytes: Long) {} /** * 请求完成时回调,请求成功之后才会回调此方法,默认为空实现 */ open fun onComplete() {} }
- 定义网络接口,封装GET/POST等网络请求
object MVCApi { /** * GET请求 * context:上下文 * url:请求url * params:参数列表,可为null * tag:标识一个网络请求 * callback:网络请求回调 */ inline fun <reified T> httpGet( context: Context, url: String, params: Map<String, Any?>?, tag: Any? = null, callback: MVCHttpCallback<T> ) { RxHttp.getInstance().get(context) .url(url) .params(params) .tag(tag) .enqueue(simpleHttpCallback(callback)) } /** * POST请求 * context:上下文 * url:请求url * params:参数列表,可为null * tag:标识一个网络请求 * callback:网络请求回调 */ inline fun <reified T> httpPost( context: Context, url: String, params: Map<String, Any?>?, tag: Any? = null, callback: MVCHttpCallback<T> ) { RxHttp.getInstance().post(context) .url(url) .params(params) .tag(tag) .enqueue(simpleHttpCallback(callback)) } ...... inline fun <reified T> simpleHttpCallback(callback: MVCHttpCallback<T>): HttpCallback<TKResponse<T>> { return object : HttpCallback<TKResponse<T>>(callback.getType()) { override fun onStart() { super.onStart() callback.onStart() } override fun onNext(response: TKResponse<T>?) { if (response != null) { if (response.isSuccess()) { callback.onSuccess(response.data) } else { return onError(ServerException(response.code, response.msg)) } } else { return onError(NullResponseException(TKErrorCode.ERRCODE_RESPONSE_NULL, TKErrorCode.ERRCODE_RESPONSE_NULL_DESC)) } } override fun onError(e: Throwable?) { handleThrowable(e).run { callback.onFailure(first, second) } } override fun onComplete() { super.onComplete() callback.onComplete() } override fun onProgress(readBytes: Long, totalBytes: Long) { super.onProgress(readBytes, totalBytes) callback.onProgress(readBytes, totalBytes) } } }
- 在View层如Activity中调用网络接口
MVCApi.httpGet( context = baseActivity, url = TKURL.URL_GET, params = null, tag = null, callback = object : MVCHttpCallback<List<Banner>>() { override fun onStart() { LogUtils.d(TAG, "onButtonGet onStart() called") } override fun onSuccess(result: List<Banner>?) { Log.d(TAG, "onButtonGet onSuccess() called with: result = $result") } override fun onFailure(code: Int, msg: String?) { Log.d(TAG, "onButtonGet onFailure() called with: code = $code, msg = $msg") } override fun onComplete() { Log.d(TAG, "onButtonGet onComplete() called") } })
- 定义Activity基类BaseMvvmActivity
abstract class BaseMvvmActivity<VM : BaseViewModel, VDB : ViewDataBinding> : AppCompatActivity(){ lateinit var viewModel: VM lateinit var binding: VDB protected abstract fun getLayoutId(): Int final override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { onCreateStart(savedInstanceState) super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, getLayoutId()) binding.lifecycleOwner = this createViewModel() onCreateEnd(savedInstanceState) } protected open fun onCreateStart(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {} protected open fun onCreateEnd(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {} /** * 创建ViewModel */ private fun createViewModel() { val type = findType(javaClass.genericSuperclass) val modelClass = if (type is ParameterizedType) { type.actualTypeArguments[0] as Class<VM> } else { BaseViewModel::class.java as Class<VM> } viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(modelClass) } private fun findType(type: Type): Type?{ return when(type){ is ParameterizedType -> type is Class<*> ->{ findType(type.genericSuperclass) } else ->{ null } } } }
- 定义ViewModel的基类BaseViewModel
open class BaseViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) { /** * 网络仓库 */ protected val networkbaseRepository: NetworkRepository = NetworkRepository.instance /** * 上下文 */ protected var context: Context = application.applicationContext }
- 定义网络仓库,封装网络接口
/** * MVVM架构网络仓库 * UI->ViewModel->Repository->LiveData(ViewModel)->UI */ class NetworkRepository private constructor() { companion object { val instance = NetworkRepository.holder } private object NetworkRepository { val holder = NetworkRepository() } inline fun <reified T> wrapHttpCallback(): MvvmHttpCallback<T> { return object : MvvmHttpCallback<T>() { } } inline fun <reified T> newCallback(liveData: MutableLiveData<TKState<T>>): HttpCallback<TKResponse<T>> { val type = wrapHttpCallback<T>().getType() return object : HttpCallback<TKResponse<T>>(type) { override fun onStart() { liveData.value = TKState.start() } override fun onNext(response: TKResponse<T>?) { liveData.value = TKState.response(response) } override fun onError(e: Throwable?) { liveData.value = TKState.error(e) } override fun onComplete() { /** * 亲,此处不要做任何操作,不要给LiveData赋值,防止onNext对应的LiveData数据被覆盖, * 在TKState类handle方法里会特别处理回调的,放心好了 */ } override fun onProgress(readBytes: Long, totalBytes: Long) { liveData.value = TKState.progress(readBytes, totalBytes) } } } inline fun <reified T> httpGet( context: Context, url: String, params: Map<String, Any?>?, tag: Any? = null ): MutableLiveData<TKState<T>> { val liveData = MutableLiveData<TKState<T>>() RxHttp.getInstance() .get(context) .url(url) .params(params) .tag(tag) .enqueue(newCallback(liveData)) return liveData } inline fun <reified T> httpPost( context: Context, url: String, params: Map<String, Any?>?, tag: Any? = null ): MutableLiveData<TKState<T>> { val liveData = MutableLiveData<TKState<T>>() RxHttp.getInstance().post(context) .url(url) .params(params) .tag(tag) .enqueue(newCallback(liveData)) return liveData } inline fun <reified T> httpPostForm( context: Context, url: String, params: Map<String, Any?>?, tag: Any? = null ): MutableLiveData<TKState<T>> { val liveData = MutableLiveData<TKState<T>>() RxHttp.getInstance().postForm(context) .url(url) .params(params) .tag(tag) .enqueue(newCallback(liveData)) return liveData } inline fun <reified T> httpPut( context: Context, url: String, params: Map<String, Any?>?, tag: Any? = null ): MutableLiveData<TKState<T>> { val liveData = MutableLiveData<TKState<T>>() RxHttp.getInstance().put(context) .url(url) .params(params) .tag(tag) .enqueue(newCallback(liveData)) return liveData } inline fun <reified T> httpDelete( context: Context, url: String, params: Map<String, Any?>?, tag: Any? = null ): MutableLiveData<TKState<T>> { val liveData = MutableLiveData<TKState<T>>() RxHttp.getInstance().delete(context) .params(params) .url(url) .tag(tag) .enqueue(newCallback(liveData)) return liveData } /** *上传 *支持上传多个文件,map中对应的value类型为File类型或Uri类型 *支持监听上传进度 val map =Map<String,Any>() map.put("model", "xiaomi") map.put("os", "android") map.put("avatar",File("xxx")) map.put("video",uri) */ inline fun <reified T> httpUpload( context: Context, url: String, params: Map<String, Any?>?, tag: Any? = null ): MutableLiveData<TKState<T>> { val liveData = MutableLiveData<TKState<T>>() RxHttp.getInstance().upload(context) .url(url) .params(params) .tag(tag) .enqueue(newCallback(liveData)) return liveData } /** * 下载 * context:上下文,如不需要和生命周期绑定,应该传递applicationContext * url:下载地址 * dir:本地目录路径 * filename:保存文件名称 * callback:下载进度回调 * md5:下载文件的MD5值 * breakpoint:是否支持断点下载,默认为true */ fun httpDownload(context: Context, url: String, dir: String, filename: String, callback: DownloadCallback, md5: String? = null, breakPoint: Boolean = true, tag: Any? = null) { RxHttp.getInstance().download(context).dir(dir).filename(filename).breakpoint(breakPoint).md5(md5).url(url).tag(tag).enqueue(callback) } }
- 定义TKState类,用于将网络回调转化为LiveData
/** *将HttpCallback回调转化为对应的LiveData */ class TKState<T> { var state: Int = 0 var code = TKErrorCode.ERRCODE_UNKNOWN var msg: String? = null var data: T? = null var progress: Long = 0 var total: Long = 0 @JvmOverloads constructor(state: Int, data: T? = null, msg: String? = "") { this.state = state this.data = data this.msg = msg } constructor(state: Int, throwable: Throwable?) { this.state = state handleThrowable(throwable).run { this@TKState.code = first this@TKState.msg = second } } constructor(state: Int, progress: Long, total: Long) { this.state = state this.progress = progress this.total = total } fun handle(handleCallback: HandleCallback<T>.() -> Unit) { val callback = HandleCallback<T>() callback.apply(handleCallback) when (state) { START -> { callback.onStart?.invoke() } SUCCESS -> { callback.onSuccess?.invoke(data) } FAIL -> { callback.onFailure?.invoke(code, msg) } PROGRESS -> { callback.onProgress?.invoke(progress, total) } } if (state == SUCCESS || state == FAIL) { callback.onComplete?.invoke() } } open class HandleCallback<T> { var onStart: (() -> Unit)? = null var onSuccess: ((T?) -> Unit)? = null var onFailure: ((Int, String?) -> Unit)? = null var onComplete: (() -> Unit)? = null var onProgress: ((Long, Long) -> Unit)? = null fun onStart(callback: (() -> Unit)?) { this.onStart = callback } fun onSuccess(callback: ((T?) -> Unit)?) { this.onSuccess = callback } fun onFailure(callback: ((Int, String?) -> Unit)?) { this.onFailure = callback } fun onComplete(callback: (() -> Unit)?) { this.onComplete = callback } fun onProgress(callback: ((Long, Long) -> Unit)?) { this.onProgress = callback } } companion object { const val START = 0 const val SUCCESS = 1 const val FAIL = 2 const val PROGRESS = 3 fun <T> start(): TKState<T> { return TKState(START) } fun <T> response(response: TKResponse<T>?): TKState<T> { if (response != null) { if (response.isSuccess()) { return TKState(SUCCESS, response.data, null) } else { return error(ServerException(response.code, response.msg)) } } else { return error(NullResponseException(TKErrorCode.ERRCODE_RESPONSE_NULL, TKErrorCode.ERRCODE_RESPONSE_NULL_DESC)) } } fun <T> error(t: Throwable?): TKState<T> { return TKState(FAIL, t) } fun <T> progress(progress: Long, total: Long): TKState<T> { return TKState(PROGRESS, progress, total) } } }
- 经过一系列封装,参考demo代码,最后在View层如Activity中ViewModel调用Repository中的接口
viewModel.testPost(hashMapOf( "name" to "jack", "location" to "shanghai", "age" to 28) ) .observeState(this) { onStart { LogUtils.d(TAG, "onButtonPost() onStart called") } onSuccess { LogUtils.d(TAG, "onButtonPost() onSuccess called:${it}") } onFailure { code, msg -> ToastHelper.toast("onButtonPost() onFailure,code:${code},msg:${msg}") } onComplete { LogUtils.d(TAG, "onButtonPost() onComplete called") } }
Copyright (C) 2021 kongpf8848
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.