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Ansible Role: Pyenv

Installs and configures Pyenv with given plugins and Python versions on RHEL or Debian/Ubuntu servers.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (refer to defaults/main and vars directories).

pyenv_global: false
pyenv_git_ref: master
pyenv_owner: "{{ ansible_user_id }}"
pyenv_group: pyenv
pyenv_path: "{{ '/opt/pyenv' if pyenv_global else ansible_user_dir + '/.pyenv' }}"

pyenv_config_path: "{{ '/etc/pyenv' if pyenv_global else ansible_user_dir + '/.dotfiles' }}"
pyenv_init_options: "{{ '--no-rehash' if not pyenv_global }}"
shell_init_paths: "{{ if pyenv_global else shell_init.local }}"

These are variables that control entire Pyenv installation process. Key one is pyenv_global which by deafult determines:

  • pyenv_path - Pyenv installation path (system-wide/local).
  • pyenv_config_path - Pyenv configuration script path.
  • pyenv_init_options - flags for pyenv init command added to Pyenv configuration script.
  • shell_init_paths - list of user's shell initialization files that sources pyenv_config_path file.

For the time being only bash, zsh and fish shells are detected automatically. These variables along with Pyenv git ref pyenv_git_ref are fully customizable according to target server's needs.

pyenv_owner and pyenv_group variables are especially critical for system-wide installation to set proper permissions so that every user can use Pyenv freely.

pyenv_autocompletion: true
pyenv_default_python: 3.11.2
  - 3.11.2

Above variables configures Pyenv after it is installed:

  • pyenv_autocompletion - enables Pyenv commands autocompletion for user's shell.
  • pyenv_default_python - Python version to be set as a default interpreter.
  • pyenv_python_versions - list of Python versions, supported by given version of Pyenv, to be installed on the server.
  - name: pyenv-virtualenv
  - name: pyenv-update
pyenv_virtualenvs: {}
pyenv_update: false

Above variables allows installation of Pyenv plugins and configures them:

  • pyenv_plugins - list of Pyenv plugins to be installed on the server. Both name and repo have to be provided for each plugin, version is optional and indicates revision of a plugin repository.
  • pyenv_virtualenvs - list of Pyenv virtualenvs to be created on the server. Both name and version from pyenv_python_versions have to be provided.
  • pyenv_update - updates of Pyenv and its plugins to the latest version.



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: kmezynski.pyenv
      pyenv_global: true
      pyenv_path: /usr/local/share
      pyenv_default_python: false
        - 3.11.2
        - 3.10.9


This role is distributed under the terms of MIT license.

Author Information

This role was created in 2023 by Kamil Mężyński.