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React Time Logging

by kkosmowski


Table of contents


React Time Logging is a web application written in Javascript, using React library.

The purpose of this app is to allow user to store his daily tasks in a readable way. User can customize the app in multiple ways (see App customization section for more), and easily manipulate created tasks.

It is an extended, second version of vanilla JS application I built some time ago, called JIRA-Like Time Logging.
The original app was limited to adding, viewing, editing and deleting tasks, primitive form validation, bulk deleting tasks and confirmation dialog.

To see the differences in features, please see Features section.


  • react as the fundamental library
  • typescript for safe typing
  • react-redux and redux-toolkit for state management
  • antd as the UI library and icons
  • styled-components and sass for styling
  • formik for form management and yup for validation schema
  • moment for date handling
  • react-beautiful-dnd for drag-n-drop
  • i18next & react-i18next for translation handling
  • localbase for storing the data in indexed-db


In order to be able to properly install and run the application, Node and either npm or yarn must be installed.

To install the app dependencies, run either yarn or npm command:

  • yarn install
  • npm install

depending on your package manager of choice.


To run the app, run either one of these:

  • yarn start
  • npm start

This will compile TypeScript and open a new tab in your default browser, most likely at http://localhost:3000/

App customization

Application is open for customization through Settings Dialog (opened by a button in right-hand top corner of the app).

User can set multiple different options:

  • weekend display (display only weekdays, weekdays with saturday or full week)
  • first day of the week
  • target hours per day (amount of hours that are expected each day to reach 100% of progress bar)
  • limit of hours per day (amount of hours that cannot be exceeded)
  • option to disable time related checks and limits
  • language
  • theme
  • condensed mode


  • Creating, viewing, updating, duplicating and deleting tasks;
  • Creating, updating and deleting categories;
  • Advanced form validation, user-friendly duration input;
  • Bulk deleting tasks;
  • Confirmation dialog;
  • Customization of application and board;
  • Drag n drop of tasks (with validation of day limit);
  • Context menu with cut, copy and paste (with validation of day limit);
  • Filters with option to set as default (loaded on app load);


React Time Logging was created by kkosmowski

You are free to use the app without any costs (both personal and professional use), however it is prohibited to claim to be the author or owner of this app.