A Moodle 4.0 Boost child theme made for learners. The LearnR theme builds on the new layouts and user experiences introduced in Moodle 4.0. LearnR provides a variety of layouts and options that allow you to provide incredibly structured navigation and pathways to course materials. Continuing the line of evolve-D, Pioneer, and Fordson, the LearnR theme is focused on a student going from “login to learning” quickly and easily.
- Layout changes: Moved course header image out of main content area and into actual header area behind the main content area. Moved the header block panel button to the upper right of the screen next to the Latest Courses drop down.
- Easy Enrollment course code button and enrollment form has been integrated to work with the Easy Enrollment Button https://moodle.org/plugins/enrol_easy
- Many styling fixes.
- Fixed conflict with Fordson theme
- Added course display options for categories and homepage. There are 10 different ways to display course tiles in categories and the site home page.
- Added course progressbar to course main pages.
- Fixed various styling issues.
- Added Easy Enrollment form integration to show the easy enrollment form on the site home, dashboard, and my courses page. Just install Easy Enrollment and turn it on. The form will automatically appear on the pages.
- Added Icon Navigation bar to Dashboard, My Courses, and Home pages of the site
- Initial feature set is implemented
- Added show/hide for Latest Courses drop down menu.
- Fixed color of dropdown icon in usermenu
- New Section Style chooser for course sections allows for quick customization of the course section area. Initially, 4 styles are provided.
- Added full width page toggle to force full width or default Boost narrow width page layouts.
- Styling adjustments and improvements
- Language string additions and corrections
- Course Dashboard is now Header Block Panel and can display custom header images as a background
- Header block panel is not collapsible anymore
- Code derivitive notice and version update
- Code clean up and other various fixes
- Code clean up and fixes
- Initial release for Moodle 4.0