A simple and probably faster replacement of GNU grep command written in GO
Gogrep searching plain-text data sets for lines that match a specified pattern.
Test were performed on MacBook 2,8 GHz Intel Core i5 with SSD disk
Running gogrep in parallel mode:
time gogrep --p=true "LineProfiler" ~/workspace 84.83s user 61.87s system 213% cpu 1:08.58 total
time gogrep --p=true "LineProfiler" ~/workspace 83.33s user 62.78s system 207% cpu 1:10.25 total
time gogrep --p=true "LineProfiler" ~/workspace 85.08s user 61.91s system 214% cpu 1:08.62 total
Running gogrep in serial mode:
time gogrep "LineProfiler" ~/workspace 23.79s user 59.87s system 50% cpu 2:46.41 total
time gogrep "LineProfiler" ~/workspace 24.24s user 65.92s system 50% cpu 2:57.76 total
time gogrep "LineProfiler" ~/workspace 24.33s user 66.59s system 50% cpu 3:00.90 total
Running GNU grep:
time grep -R "LineProfiler" ~/workspace 295.22s user 65.64s system 82% cpu 7:17.82 total
time grep -R "LineProfiler" ~/workspace 291.46s user 68.22s system 81% cpu 7:20.85 total
time grep -R "LineProfiler" ~/workspace 295.80s user 69.85s system 81% cpu 7:31.33 total
curl -s -L https://github.com/kgantsov/gogrep/releases/download/v0.1/setup.sh | sh
First of all github.com/fatih/color
library needs to be installed.
go get github.com/fatih/color
Then it can be easily compiled:
go build
To get some help run program with --help
gogrep --help
Usage: gogrep [flags] [pattern] [file]
-exclude-dir string
List of coma separated dirs (default ".bzr,CVS,.git,.hg,.svn")
-include string
Include pattern (default "*")
-p Run gogrep in parallel
Run gogrep excluding .bzr, CVS, .git, .hg, .svn, env
gogrep --exclude-dir=".bzr,CVS,.git,.hg,.svn,env" "import" ~/workspace/
Search only in .py
gogrep --include="*.py" "import" /Users/koss/workspace/iconik
Pipling output from other commands:
cat main.go | gogrep "func "
func findWordInBuffer(pattern, path string, scanner *bufio.Scanner) {
func findWordInFile(pattern, path string) {
func printFile(include, pattern string, excludeDir []string) filepath.WalkFunc {
func addToQueue(jobs chan string, path string) {
func worker(id int, pattern string, jobs chan string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
func walkParrallel(dir, pattern string) {
func main() {