Tabybear is a Google Chrome extension which helps you to manage your browser tabs.
IMPORTANT! It's not released yet, still in development
Tabybear is built with React and Redux, project use also Webpack and Gulp
To build project:
yarn start
This'll create folder "build" needed to run extension in your browser
To run extension in your browser, you need load "build" folder:
Type path below into browser URL bar:
Remember to enable "Developer mode:
Click "Load unpacked" and select "build" folder in your project.
Now Tabybear is running in your browser!
Tabybear has a lot of features which make web browsing much easier.
Switch between tabs by clicking on them - all tabs are grouped by windows in one scrollable view.
Tabybear counts all opened tabs in windows and in the browser.
You can select multiple tabs and pin them, save them as bookmarks or remove them.
Find tabs by typing a part or whole tab name phrase.
Move your tabs to the new position in a window or even between windows - just simple drag and drop them.
Tabybear is built mainly with ReactJS framework and Redux library, however specific architecture of Chrome extensions force few changes in project structure. Brief, chrome extensions consist of three basic types of script files:
- popup script - contain ordinary HTML pages with JavaScript logic and optionally CSS style sheets,
- background script - persistent JavaScript page where Redux store is located and chrome event listeners are running,
- content script - content scripts read and modify the DOM of web pages the browser visits (not used here),
According to this pattern, there's three React project's: popup, event, and options.
- popup: is scrollable list of tabs with other UI Components which user can see and can interact with. Contains react components and style files,
- event: here live Redux store with actions and reducers, chrome event listeners and chrome API promises
- options: UI page used to show extension settings (fires after clicking on 'cog' button in popup)
- Kamil Filip - @kfilip