This is a Puppet module to manage perl and perl modules on CPAN.
Based on Example42 layouts by Alessandro Franceschi / Lab42
Official site:
Official git repository:
Module development sponsored by JobRapido
Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.
This module requires the presence of Example42 Puppi module in your modulepath.
Install a module via CPAN Minus
perl::module { 'Path::Class': }
Install a module via CPAN command
perl::cpan::module { 'Path::Class': }
Remove a module previously installed via CPAN Minus
perl::module { 'Path::Class': ensure => absent, }
Install a module using the OS packages
perl::module { 'YAML::Perl': use_package => true, }
Note that the prefix name of the package (perl-) is automatically added and the :: are converted to -. The actual package installed in this case is therefore: perl-YAML-Perl
Install a module from the given url
perl::module { 'My::Module': url => '', }
Install a module (via cpan) setting environment variables
perl::module { 'Path::Class': exec_environment => [ "http_proxy=" , "https_proxy=" ], }
Specify an alternate command to check for existence of the module
perl::cpan::module { 'Bundle::LWP': module_check_cmd => "perldoc -l LWP", }
Install perl with default settings
class { 'perl': }
Install a specific version of perl package
class { 'perl': version => '1.0.1', }
Remove perl resources
class { 'perl': absent => true }
Automatically include a custom subclass
class { 'perl': my_class => 'example42::my_perl', }