The following service is part of the "Live Finance Demo". It is a simple Spring REST reactive service that consumes the stock value generated by Finance-Data-Svc, stores those value in a DB for historical purposes and exposes RESTful apis to users who can inquire about those values
The other service "Finance-Data-Svc" produces the stocks data
Ensure Kafka is started. Use the docker-compose file "Kafka-dockercompose.yml"
docker-compose -f Kafka-dockercompose.yml up
Ensure PostgreSQL database is started (see file DB-postgres.sql in Docker dir) and run the Database-Init-Scripts if it's the first time creating this DB
Run the spring boot service
Monitor the logs of this service
Start Finance-Data-Svc and cURL its endpoint to generate a stock value (see its for how-to)
Notice the log here showing the consumed value such as
2020-12-22 22:52:02.519 INFO 18970 --- [ntainer#0-0-C-1] c.k.f.service.impl.FinanceServiceImpl : Stock value received: StockDto(name=FAKESTOCK.Z, value=18.671613650505137) 2020-12-22 22:52:02.528 INFO 18970 --- [ntainer#0-0-C-1] c.k.f.service.impl.FinanceServiceImpl : Stock saved in history_stocks DB
At this step any generated stock value is saved in the PostgreSQL DB for historical purposes.
To obtain the complete list of historical values (in descending order), use the following curl
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" "localhost:8091/history?stockName=FAKESTOCK.Z"