Matomo is an open source alternative to Google Analytics. (Ported from:
helm install matomo . --namespace matomo --create-namespace
export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "matomo" matomo-redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode)
helm upgrade matomo . --namespace matomo --set redis.auth.password=$REDIS_PASSWORD
Most relevant parameters, if you need an advanced configuration, take a look into the values.yaml
Parameter | Description | Default |
replicaCount |
How many instances of Matomo should run in parallel | 1 |
image.tag |
Override the version tag for the Matomo docker image | "" (Using chart appVersion) |
ingress.enabled |
Enable Ingress support | false |
ingress.type |
Type of the ingress default and traefik are possible |
default |
ingress.annotations |
Use it for nginx or traefik v1 ingress classes |
{} |
ingress.hosts[].host |
host name for the ingress | chart-example.local |
ingress.hosts[].paths |
Paths for the ingress | [ / ] |
ingress.tls.default[].secretName |
If defined, TLS is enabled for the default ingress | chart-example-tls |
ingress.tls.default[].hosts |
Specify the host for the TLS certificate | [ chart-example.local ] |
ingress.tls.traefik |
If defined, traefik will use this as certificate resolver | chart-example-tls | |
Host of the Matomo installation | chart-example.local |
matomo.username |
Superusers name | admin |
matomo.password |
Superusers password | My$uper$ecretPassword123# | |
Superusers email address | [email protected] |
matomo.website_host |
Host of the tracked website | https://tracked-website.local |
matomo.website_name |
Name of the tracked website | Tracked Website |
matomo.env |
Additional Environment variables, e.g. to configure SMTP | {} |