To deploy a ONNX model as a web application with Python Flask.
The below Python modules are required:
- Python Flask packages- the micro web application framework
- from flask import Flask, render_template, request
- from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap
- from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
- from wtforms import SubmitField
- from flask_wtf.file import FileField, FileRequired, FileAllowed
- Python libraries for image processing: cv2, PIL
- Python libraries for data visualization: matplotlib.pyplot, seaborn
- Python libraries for ONNX runtime: onnxruntime
- - the main python program to run the web application (python
- - the form for user input an image file for classification
- - contains the main functions (display_bird() and classify_bird()) for producing outputs
- folders
- static: consists of favicon image file, img folder and css folder (this is a standard structure for a flask web application)
- templates: consists of HTML templates to be rendered by Flask (this is a standard structure for a flask web application)
- models: consists of the ONNX models and labels.txt (both downloaded from Microsoft CV services)
- plots: placeholder for the output images
- The ONNX is a deep learning model trained by Microsoft Azure Custom Vision services for image classification.
- The train/test dataset are a private image collection of birds seen in Singapore.
After running the main python program with 'python':
- the web application will be running on '' (localhost)
- open a web browser and place the url at the address bar
- a web GUI will be displayed
- click on 'Choose File' button to select an image file from your local disk
- click on 'submit' button when ready
- the image and a bar chart with the Top-5 classification will be displayed
- The result of the ONNX model is not satisfying mainly due to a relatively small and unbalanced dataset.
- The aim of this simple project is to demostrate the ONNX model deployment using Flask.
- Book: Flask Web Development, Developing Web Applications with Python (