Makes National Cancer Database (NCDB) R binaries. To install it use:
To set up NCDB data use in R, place the NCDB ASCII *.dat text file(s) in your ~/data/NCDB folder where ~ is your home directory. These files are then converted into an R binary file as follows
library(NCDBR) #loads installed package NCDBR into memory
d=getFields() #gets wanted fields into a data frame
d=pickFields(d) #picks a subset of the fields and defines their types
canc=mkNCDB(d) #makes R binary file ~/data/NCDB/cancDef.Rdata
Check the NCDB data installation using
load("~/data/NCDB/cancDef.RData")#loads data.frame canc into memory
head(canc,3) #returns top 3 rows of canc